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TcxContainerStyle.AssignedValues Property

Specifies style settings defined at the current level.


property AssignedValues: TcxContainerStyleValues read; write;

Property Value

Type Description

The set of flags that correspond to individual style settings defined at the current level.


You can use the AssignedValues property to track style setting changes in the current style or at the current hierarchy level and reset them. If a flag is present in the AssignedValues property value, the corresponding style setting is in effect. Otherwise, the current style inherits the corresponding setting from the base style.

Style Setting Modification Flags

The AssignedValues property value can include any number of the following flags in any combination:

Flag Assigned Style Setting Description
csvBorderColor TcxCustomContainerStyle.BorderColor The current style defines a border color.
csvBorderStyle TcxCustomContainerStyle.BorderStyle The current style defines a border style.
csvColor TcxCustomContainerStyle.Color The current style defines a background color.
csvEdges TcxCustomContainerStyle.Edges The current style defines a set of visible borders (left, top, right, and/or bottom).
csvFont TcxCustomContainerStyle.Font The current style defines font settings.
csvHotTrack TcxCustomContainerStyle.HotTrack The current style defines a distinct hot-tracked state as available.
csvShadow TcxCustomContainerStyle.Shadow The current style specifies if a shadow is present.
csvTextColor TcxCustomContainerStyle.TextColor The current style defines a text color.
csvTextStyle TcxCustomContainerStyle.TextStyle The current style defines a set of font attributes (bold, italic, underline, and/or strikeout).
csvTransparentBorder TcxCustomContainerStyle.TransparentBorder The current style specifies if borders are transparent.
csvReadOnly TcxCustomContainerStyle.ReadOnly The current style defines a distinct read-only state as available.

Restore Default Style Settings

To restore the default value of an individual style setting, remove the corresponding style setting modification flag from the AssignedValues property value. If you need to restore all default style settings simultaneously, call the RestoreDefaults procedure.

Default Value

The AssignedValues property’s default value is [].

See Also