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SparklineGroupCollection.Add(CellRange, CellRange, SparklineGroupType) Method

Creates a sparkline group of the specified type and adds it to the collection.

Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core


SparklineGroup Add(
    CellRange position,
    CellRange dataRange,
    SparklineGroupType type


Name Type Description
position CellRange

A CellRange object that specifies the cell range where the sparkline group should be located.

dataRange CellRange

A CellRange object that specifies the cell range containing the source data for the group.

type SparklineGroupType

A SparklineGroupType enumeration member specifying the type of the group to be created.


Type Description

A SparklineGroup object that is the newly created group of sparklines.


The example below demonstrates how to create two groups of sparklines using the Add method of the SparklineGroupCollection collection accessible from the Worksheet.SparklineGroups property.

View Example

Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets["SparklineExamples"];
workbook.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet = worksheet;

// Create a group of line sparklines.
SparklineGroup quarterlyGroup = worksheet.SparklineGroups.Add(worksheet["G4:G6"], worksheet["C4:F4,C5:F5,C6:F6"], SparklineGroupType.Line);
// Add one more sparkline to the existing group.
quarterlyGroup.Sparklines.Add(6, 6, worksheet["C7:F7"]);

// Display a column sparkline in the total cell.
SparklineGroup totalGroup = worksheet.SparklineGroups.Add(worksheet["G8"], worksheet["C8:F8"], SparklineGroupType.Column);

The following code snippet (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contains a reference to the Add(CellRange, CellRange, SparklineGroupType) method.


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See Also