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Series.LayoutOptions Property

Returns series layout options for Excel 2016 charts.

Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.2.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core


SeriesLayoutOptions LayoutOptions { get; }

#Property Value

Type Description

An object that contains series options for Excel 2016 charts.


Use the SeriesLayoutOptions object’s members to specify options for Excel 2016 charts.

#Box and Whisker Chart

Use the Series.LayoutOptions.BoxAndWhisker property to define options for a box and whisker data series.

Property Description
BoxAndWhiskerSeriesOptions.ShowInnerPoints Specifies whether to show inner data points that lie between the lower and upper whisker lines.
BoxAndWhiskerSeriesOptions.ShowOutlierPoints Specifies whether to show outlier data points that lie either below the lower whisker line or above the upper whisker line.
BoxAndWhiskerSeriesOptions.ShowMeanLine Specifies whether to display a line that connects the means of boxes in the series.
BoxAndWhiskerSeriesOptions.ShowMeanMarkers Specifies whether to show the mean markers.
BoxAndWhiskerSeriesOptions.QuartileCalculationMethod Defines the quartile calculation method.

Box and Whisker chart

// Create a box and whisker chart and specify its location.
Chart chart = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.BoxAndWhisker, worksheet["B2:E17"]);
chart.TopLeftCell = worksheet.Cells["G2"];
chart.BottomRightCell = worksheet.Cells["N17"];

// Set the minimum and maximum values for the value axis.
Axis axis = chart.PrimaryAxes[1];
axis.Scaling.AutoMax = false;
axis.Scaling.Max = 70;
axis.Scaling.AutoMin = false;
axis.Scaling.Min = 40;

// Specify series options.
foreach (Series series in chart.Series)
    var options = series.LayoutOptions.BoxAndWhisker;
    options.ShowInnerPoints = true;
    options.ShowMeanLine = false;
    options.ShowOutlierPoints = true;
    options.ShowMeanMarkers = true;
    options.QuartileCalculationMethod = QuartileCalculationMethod.ExclusiveMedian;

// Add the chart title.
chart.Title.Visible = true;
chart.Title.SetValue("Academic Performance Distribution");

#Waterfall Chart

Use the Series.LayoutOptions.Waterfall property to specify options for a waterfall data series.

Property Description
WaterfallSeriesOptions.ShowConnectorLines Specifies whether to display connector lines between data points.
WaterfallSeriesOptions.SubtotalDataPoints Returns a collection of total points.

Waterfall chart

// Create a waterfall chart and specify its location.
Chart chart = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Waterfall, worksheet["B2:C7"]);
chart.TopLeftCell = worksheet.Cells["E2"];
chart.BottomRightCell = worksheet.Cells["L17"];

// Hide the major gridlines for the value axis.
chart.PrimaryAxes[1].MajorGridlines.Visible = false;

// Specify series options.
var options = chart.Series[0].LayoutOptions.Waterfall;
// Display connector lines.
options.ShowConnectorLines = true;
// Set the third data point as the total.
// Set the last data point as the total.

// Add the chart title.
chart.Title.Visible = true;
chart.Title.SetValue("Income Statement");

#Histogram Chart

Use the Series.LayoutOptions.Histogram property to specify options for a histogram data series.

Property Description
HistogramSeriesOptions.BinType Specifies how to calculate bins for a histogram.
HistogramSeriesOptions.BinCount Defines the number of histogram bins.
HistogramSeriesOptions.BinWidth Defines the bin size.
Allow you to create a bin for all values that are above a specific value.
Allow you to create a bin for all values that are below or equal to a specific value.
HistogramSeriesOptions.IntervalClosedSide Specifies the bin closed side.

Histogram chart

// Create a histogram chart and specify its location.
Chart chart = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Histogram, worksheet["B2:B21"]);
chart.TopLeftCell = worksheet.Cells["D2"];
chart.BottomRightCell = worksheet.Cells["K18"];

// Specify histogram series options.
var options = chart.Series[0].LayoutOptions.Histogram;
options.BinType = HistogramBinType.BinWidth;
options.BinWidth = 24;
// Specify the gap width.
chart.Series[0].GapWidth = 10;

// Add the chart title.
chart.Title.Visible = true;
chart.Title.SetValue("Exam Score Distribution");

#Pareto Chart

Use the Series.LayoutOptions.Histogram property to specify bin options for a Pareto data series.

Pareto chart

// Create a Pareto chart and specify its location.
Chart chart = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Pareto, worksheet["B2:C7"]);
chart.TopLeftCell = worksheet.Cells["E2"];
chart.BottomRightCell = worksheet.Cells["L17"];

// Specify series options.
var options = chart.Series[0].LayoutOptions.Histogram;
options.BinType = HistogramBinType.ByCategory;
// Specify the gap width.
chart.Series[0].GapWidth = 15;

// Add the chart title.
chart.Title.Visible = true;
chart.Title.SetValue("Key Causes of Late Projects");

#Treemap Chart

Use the Series.LayoutOptions.Treemap property to specify options for a treemap data series.

Property Description
TreemapSeriesOptions.ParentLabelLayout Defines the layout of parent labels.

Treemap chart

// Create a treemap chart and specify its location.
Chart chart = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Treemap, worksheet["B2:E14"]);
chart.TopLeftCell = worksheet.Cells["G2"];
chart.BottomRightCell = worksheet.Cells["N17"];

// Specify series options.
var options = chart.Series[0].LayoutOptions.Treemap;
options.ParentLabelLayout = TreemapParentLabelLayout.Banner;

// Add the chart title.
chart.Title.Visible = true;
chart.Title.SetValue("Daily Food Sales");
See Also