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ASPxClientGridView.MoveColumn(column) Method

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Moves the specified column to the specified visual position within the grid and optionally groups or ungroups the grid’s data by this column.


    column: ASPxClientGridViewColumn | number | string,
    moveToColumnVisibleIndex?: number,
    moveBefore?: boolean | ASPxClientGridColumnMovingTargetPosition,
    moveToGroup?: boolean,
    moveFromGroup?: boolean
): void


Name Type Description
column string | number | ASPxClientGridViewColumn

An ASPxClientGridViewColumn object that represents the column to move.

moveToColumnVisibleIndex number

The visible index of the target column displayed within the grid.

moveBefore boolean | ASPxClientGridColumnMovingTargetPosition

true to move the column before the target column; otherwise, false.

moveToGroup boolean

true to group the grid’s data by the column; otherwise, false.

moveFromGroup boolean

true to ungroup the grid’s data by the column; otherwise, false.

See Also