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ASPxClientGridView.GetRowValues(visibleIndex, fieldNames, onCallback) Method

Returns the value(s) of the specified data source field(s) in the specified row.


    visibleIndex: number,
    fieldNames: string,
    onCallback: ASPxClientGridViewValuesCallback
): void


Name Type Description
visibleIndex number

The data row’s visible index.

fieldNames string

The names of data source fields whose values are returned, separated by a semicolon.

onCallback ASPxClientGridViewValuesCallback

A JavaScript function that receives the list of row values as a parameter or a single value if you pass a single field name as a fieldNames parameter.


Call the GetRowValues method to get data source field values in the row specified by its visible index.

grid.GetRowValues(grid.GetFocusedRowIndex(), 'EmployeeID;Notes', onCallbackMultiValues);
function onCallbackMultiValues(values) {

If you pass a single field as the fieldNames parameter, the method’s onCallback parameter receives a single value as a parameter.

grid.GetRowValues(grid.GetFocusedRowIndex(), 'EmployeeID', onCallbackOneValue);
function onCallbackOneValue(value) {

The GetRowValues method uses callback requests and visible indices to get cell values. If a grid’s data source can be changed during a callback, the method may return unexpected data because a row under that visible index is changed. In this case, you can call the GetRowKey(visibleIndex) method to get the row key based on its visible index and the GetRowValuesByKeyValue(Object, String[]) method to obtain the field values based on this key.

Run Demo: ASP.NET Web Forms Grid View - Focused Row Run Demo: ASP.NET MVC Grid View - Focused Row

See Also