ColorPickEdit Class
An advanced dropdown color picker that supports multiple palettes (a predefined color palette, Web, Web-Safe and System) to choose colors from.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v19.1.dll
[ToolboxBitmap(typeof(ToolboxIconsRootNS), "ColorPickEdit")]
public class ColorPickEdit :
Related API Members
The following members return ColorPickEdit objects:
The ColorPickEdit allows a user to pick a color from a number of palettes - a predefined color palette, Web, Web-Safe and System.
The ColorPickEdit‘s various settings are accessible via the inherited ColorPickEditBase.Properties property, which holds an object of the RepositoryItemColorPickEdit class. The visibility of palettes is specified by the RepositoryItemColorPickEdit.ShowWebSafeColors, RepositoryItemColorEdit.ShowCustomColors, RepositoryItemColorEdit.ShowWebColors and RepositoryItemColorEdit.ShowSystemColors properties.
You can substitute built-in colors displayed in the Theme Colors and Standard Color groups in the Custom tab via the RepositoryItemColorPickEdit.ThemeColors and RepositoryItemColorPickEdit.StandardColors properties.
A click on the More Colors button in the Custom tab opens a color selection dialog, where the user can pick any color using the RGB or HSB color model:
To hide the More Colors button, set the RepositoryItemColorEdit.ShowMoreColorsButton property to false.
When you select a color, it is assigned to the editor’s inherited ColorEdit.Color property. You can also use this property to manually assign a custom color to the editor.
Display settings of the “Select Color” dialog can be customized via the RepositoryItemColorPickEdit.ColorDialogOptions property.