DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.Widget Namespace
Contains classes implementing the functionality of the WidgetView.
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v19.1.dll
Name | Description |
BaseRelativeLengthElement | A base class for Widget View elements with relative lengths. |
ColumnDefinition | A column within a Widget View. |
Document | A Document within a WidgetView. |
DocumentAnimationProperties | Exposes properties that affect widget animation effects. |
FlowLayoutProperties | Provides members that specify the WidgetView behavior in Flow Layout Mode. |
FreeLayoutProperties | Provides settings for the Widget View’s Free Layout Mode. |
Length | A structure that specifies the width (or the height) of StackGroups, RowDefinitions and ColumnDefinitions. |
RowDefinition | A row within a Widget View. |
StackGroup | A Group within a WidgetView that stores Documents. |
StackGroupDefaultProperties | An object that stores settings for individual StackGroups. |
WidgetView | A Widget View. |
Name | Description |
IDocumentDefaultProperties | Stores the individual properties of Documents. |
IDocumentProperties | Stores default Document properties. |
IStackGroupDefaultProperties | Provides members that specify settings for individual StackGroups. |
IStackGroupProperties | Provides members that specify settings common to all StackGroups within a WidgetView. |
IWidgetViewController | Provides methods that allow you to manage Documents within a WidgetView in code. |
Name | Description |
LayoutMode | Provides members that label specific WidgetView layout modes. |
LengthUnitType | Provides members that specify how a StackGroup‘s length should be counted. |