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INativeMdiViewController Members

An object that implements operations on a NativeMdiView‘s documents.


Name Description
Manager Gets a DocumentManager that the current controller operates on. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
View Provides access to the View that owns the current IBaseViewController. Inherited from IBaseViewController.


Name Description
Activate(BaseDocument) Activates the specified document. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
AddDocument(BaseDocument) Adds the specified document to a View. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
ArrangeIcons() Arranges all icons at the bottom of a NativeMdiView.
Cascade() Cascades documents.
Close(BaseDocument) Closes and destroys the specified document and its contents. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
CloseAll() Closes all currently opened documents within the IBaseViewController. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
CloseAllButThis(BaseDocument) Closes all documents except the specified document. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
CloseAllDocumentsAndHosts() Closes all documents hosted in both the current View itself and all floating document containers. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Inherited from IDisposable.
Dock(DockPanel) Docks the specified DockPanel to a View, displaying the panel as a tab. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
Dock(BaseDocument) Docks the specified document to a View. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
Execute(BaseViewControllerCommand, Object) Performs a simple operation within the current View. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
Float(DockPanel) Makes a docked DockPanel float. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
Float(BaseDocument, Point, Size) Makes the specified document floating at the specified location, with the specified size. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
Float(BaseDocument, Point) Makes the specified document floating at the specified location. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
Float(BaseDocument) Makes the specified document floating. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
FloatAll() Undocks all tabbed Documents contained within the current View. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
GetCommands(BaseDocument) This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
GetCommands(BaseView) Gets the commands collection owned by the target View. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
GetView(BaseDocument) Gets a View that owns this Document. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
Maximize(Document) Maximizes the target Document.
MinimizeAll() Minimizes all documents to icons.
RemoveDocument(BaseDocument) Removes the specified document from the BaseView.Documents collection. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
ResetLayout() Resets the DocumentManager’s layout to the default state. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
Restore(Document) Discards the Maximize operation for the target Document and restores this Document’s original size.
RestoreAll() Restores minimized documents.
ShowContextMenu(BaseDocument, Point) Displays a context menu for the specified document at the specified position. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
ShowContextMenu(Point) Displays a View’s context menu at the specified position. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
ShowWindowsDialog() Shows a dialog with all documents currently opened within a view. Inherited from IBaseViewController.
TileHorizontal() Tiles documents horizontally.
TileVertical() Tiles documents vertically.
See Also