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DXSubMenuItem Class

Specifies a submenu.

Namespace: DevExpress.Utils.Menu

Assembly: DevExpress.Utils.v23.2.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Utils, DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public class DXSubMenuItem :


The DXSubMenuItem class is a submenu which can contain nested menu items. You can populate the submenu with nested items via the DXSubMenuItem.Items property. The DXSubMenuItem.BeforePopup event allows you to populate the menu dynamically.

You can add the following menu items to a submenu:

DXSubMenuItem items can be added as elements to menus (DXPopupMenu objects and its descendants). See the DXPopupMenu topic for more information.


This example demonstrates how to handle the GridView.PopupMenuShowing event to create a custom popup menu and display it within the WinForms Data Grid control.

Custom Context Menu - WinForms Data Grid, DevExpress

The menu is displayed when the user right-clicks within a data row or group row. The menu includes:


The example displays SVG images within menu items. Drop the SvgImageCollection component onto your Form (svgImageCollection1) and add two SVG icons to the collection (at design time).

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid;
using DevExpress.Utils.Menu;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;

namespace DXApplication8 {
    public partial class Form1 : XtraForm {
        public Form1() {
            gridView1.PopupMenuShowing += GridView1_PopupMenuShowing;

        private void GridView1_PopupMenuShowing(object sender, PopupMenuShowingEventArgs e) {
            GridView view = sender as GridView;
            if (e.MenuType == GridMenuType.Row) {
                int rowHandle = e.HitInfo.RowHandle;
                // Deletes existing menu items, if any.
                // Adds the 'Rows' submenu with the 'Delete Row' command to the context menu.
                e.Menu.Items.Add(CreateSubMenuRows(view, rowHandle));
                // Adds the 'Cell Merging' check item to the context menu.
                DXMenuItem item = CreateMenuItemCellMerging(view, rowHandle);
                item.BeginGroup = true;
        DXMenuItem CreateSubMenuRows(GridView view, int rowHandle) {
            DXSubMenuItem subMenu = new DXSubMenuItem("Rows");
            string deleteRowsCommandCaption;
            if (view.IsGroupRow(rowHandle))
                deleteRowsCommandCaption = "&Delete rows in this group";
                deleteRowsCommandCaption = "&Delete this row";

            // Drop the 'svgImageCollection' component onto the Form1 and add two SVG icons to the collection.
            DXMenuItem menuItemDeleteRow = new DXMenuItem(deleteRowsCommandCaption, new EventHandler(OnDeleteRowClick), svgImageCollection1[1], DXMenuItemPriority.Normal);
            menuItemDeleteRow.Tag = new RowInfo(view, rowHandle);
            menuItemDeleteRow.Enabled = view.IsDataRow(rowHandle) || view.IsGroupRow(rowHandle);
            return subMenu;

        DXMenuCheckItem CreateMenuItemCellMerging(GridView view, int rowHandle) {
            DXMenuCheckItem checkItem = new DXMenuCheckItem("Cell &Merging",
              view.OptionsView.AllowCellMerge, null, new EventHandler(OnCellMergingClick));
            checkItem.Tag = new RowInfo(view, rowHandle);
            checkItem.ImageOptions.SvgImage = svgImageCollection1[0];
            return checkItem;

        void OnDeleteRowClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            DXMenuItem menuItem = sender as DXMenuItem;
            RowInfo ri = menuItem.Tag as RowInfo;
            if (ri != null) {
                string message = menuItem.Caption.Replace("&", "");
                if (XtraMessageBox.Show(message + " ?", "Confirm the operation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes)

        void OnCellMergingClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            DXMenuCheckItem item = sender as DXMenuCheckItem;
            RowInfo info = item.Tag as RowInfo;
            info.View.OptionsView.AllowCellMerge = item.Checked;

        class RowInfo {
            public RowInfo(GridView view, int rowHandle) {
                RowHandle = rowHandle;
                View = view;
            public GridView View;
            public int RowHandle;
See Also