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TdxCustomNavBar.MakeLinkVisible(TdxNavBarItemLink) Method

Makes the specified link visible on screen.


procedure MakeLinkVisible(ALink: TdxNavBarItemLink);


Name Type
ALink TdxNavBarItemLink


Use the MakeLinkVisible method to display a link on the screen. The desired link is specified by the ALink parameter. If the link is within a collapsed group, the group is expanded. For a Side Bar View, the group is scrolled to make the link the top one visible, if possible. If an Explorer Bar View is in effect, the control is scrolled vertically to make the link the top one visible within the control, if possible.


if the link’s owning group is invisible (its Visible property value is False), the method does nothing. Similarly, nothing occurs if the corresponding item’s Visible property is set to False. The MakeLinkVisible method can only expand groups, scroll their contents and scroll the control.

See Also