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TdxNavBarHamburgerMenuNavigationPaneMode Enum

Enumerates available Navigation Pane display modes for the Hamburger Menu.


TdxNavBarHamburgerMenuNavigationPaneMode = (




Options include:





The Hamburger Menu displays its Navigation Pane at the bottom border. The expanded menu shows the pane as a horizontal bar populated with the buttons without captions that correspond to all root groups. The NavBar control’s BiDiMode and ParentBiDiMode properties define the horizontal button order. The collapsed menu’s Navigation Pane always arranges the same buttons from top to bottom. The active root group’s button is highlighted. An overflow panel with an ellipsis appears at the right or bottom border of the Navigation Pane if there is not enough space to fit all root group buttons and the NavBar control’s OptionsView.HamburgerMenu.ShowOverflowPanel property is set to True.

The active root group’s content occupies the available space between the Navigation Pane and the NavBar control’s header section. The collapsed Hamburger Menu displays the active root group’s content at the first nesting level as buttons without captions, in the same manner as in the Full Navigation Pane display mode.


The Hamburger Menu displays the Navigation Pane at the bottom border. The pane is populated from top to bottom with the full-sized buttons that correspond to all root groups and display their captions. The collapsed menu’s Navigation Pane shows minimized buttons in the same manner as in the Compact mode. An overflow panel with an ellipsis appears at the bottom border of the Navigation Pane if there is not enough space to fit all root groups and the NavBar control’s OptionsView.HamburgerMenu.ShowOverflowPanel property is set to True.

The active root group’s content occupies the available space between the Navigation Pane and the NavBar control’s header section. The collapsed Hamburger Menu displays the active root group’s content at the first nesting level as buttons without captions.


The Hamburger Menu shows no dedicated Navigation Pane in this mode. Both the root groups and their contents share the menu’s area, below the NavBar control’s caption. Unlike the Compact and Full modes, the collapsed menu displays only the root group buttons without captions.


The NavBar control’s CustomDraw.HamburgerMenuNavigationPane event does not occur in this mode.

The NavBar control’s OptionsView.HamburgerMenu.NavigationPaneMode property references the TdxNavBarHamburgerMenuNavigationPaneMode type.

See Also