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TdxNavBarCustomDrawGroupEvent Type

Specifies the type of events that are invoked due to custom drawing of either the NavBar group caption, group client background or group client foreground.


TdxNavBarCustomDrawGroupEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; AViewInfo: TdxNavBarGroupViewInfo; var AHandled: Boolean) of object;


Name Type
Sender TObject
ACanvas TCanvas
AViewInfo TdxNavBarGroupViewInfo
AHandled Boolean


The TdxNavBarCustomDrawGroupEvent type is used by the OnCustomDraw.GroupCaption, OnCustomDraw.GroupClientBackground and OnCustomDraw.GroupClientForeground events.

The Sender parameter specifies the sender of the event.

The ACanvas parameter specifies an object of the TCanvas type which represents the drawing surface.

The AViewInfo parameter specifies an object of the TdxNavBarGroupViewInfo type that stores ViewInfo information of the NavBar group.

The AHandled parameter specifies whether the default processing of the corresponding events should be suppressed. If the parameter is set to True the default processing does not occur; otherwise the default processing occurs after the one the developer implemented.

See Also