TdxCustomNavBar.GetGroupAtCaptionPos(TPoint) Method
Returns the group whose header is located under the specified point.
function GetGroupAtCaptionPos(const pt: TPoint): TdxNavBarGroup;
Name | Type |
pt | TPoint |
Type |
Tdx |
Call this function to identify the group whose header is located under the specified point. If the pt parameter specifies a point over a group header, the corresponding group is returned. Otherwise, the GetGroupAtCaptionPos function returns nil. Thus, you can compare the function’s return value to nil to determine whether the point is over a group header.
the point must be specified in the control’s client coordinates (i.
The sample code below handles the OnMouseMove event of the NavBar control to determine whether the mouse pointer is over a group header. If so, an explanatory message is displayed within the status bar. (Note that you must have a status bar with at least one panel added to use this example.)
procedure TfrmNavBarDemo.dxNavBarMouseMove(Sender: TObject;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
APoint: TPoint;
AGroup: TdxNavBarGroup;
APoint := Point(X, Y);
AGroup := dxNavBar.GetGroupAtCaptionPos(APoint);
if AGroup = nil then
StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := '';
if AGroup.OptionsExpansion.Expanded then
StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := 'Click to collapse the ' + AGroup.Caption + ' group'
StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := 'Click to expand the ' + AGroup.Caption + ' group';