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TdxChartSimpleSeriesCustomPieView.HoleRadius Property

Specifies doughnut hole radius (as a percentage of the current doughnut radius).


property HoleRadius: Single read; write;

Property Value

Type Description

The doughnut hole radius (as a percentage of the current doughnut radius). The property value can be within the range between 0 and 90.


Use the HoleRadius property to change doughnut hole size.


Value Example[1]
50 (default) VCL Chart Control: The Default Doughnut Hole Radius
70 VCL Chart Control: An Expanded Doughnut Hole

Property Setter Behavior

The HoleRadius property setter limits an assigned value with the range between 0 and 90.

Default Value

The HoleRadius property’s default value is DefaultHoleRadius.

  1. This example demonstrates different HoleRadius property values on the same Doughnut series.

See Also