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TdxChartPieValueLabelsResolveOverlappingMode Subrange Type

Enumerates value label overlap resolution modes available for Pie and Doughnut series Views.


TdxChartSeriesValueLabelsResolveOverlappingMode = (None, Default, HideOverlapped, JustifyAroundPoint, JustifyAllAroundPoint);
TdxChartPieValueLabelsResolveOverlappingMode = None..Default;


Name Description

Default. The default label overlap resolution algorithm that uses the ValueLabels.ResolveOverlappingIndent property value of a series View as the minimum distance between value labels.

Bar Series View
The default label overlap resolution algorithm attempts to keep value labels within corresponding bars.
Inherited from TdxChartSeriesValueLabelsResolveOverlappingMode.
None A series does not resolve value overlapping. Value labels always remain at their base positions. Inherited from TdxChartSeriesValueLabelsResolveOverlappingMode.


The TdxChartPieValueLabelsResolveOverlappingMode type defines a subrange of the TdxChartSeriesValueLabelsResolveOverlappingMode type because different series View types support different sets of value label overlap resolution modes.


TdxChartPieValueLabelResolveOverlappingMode is a scoped enumeration type. Use the type name together with a scope resolution token (. in Delphi or :: in C++Builder) followed by an enumeration value to refer to this value. For example, use TdxChartPieValueLabelResolveOverlappingMode.None (in Delphi) or TdxChartPieValueLabelResolveOverlappingMode::None (in C++Builder) to refer to the None value in code.

Direct TdxChartPieValueLabelsResolveOverlappingMode Type Reference

The ValueLabels.ResolveOverlappingMode property of Pie and Doughnut series Views references the TdxChartPieValueLabelResolveOverlappingMode type.

Base Type

See Also