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TdxChartGetTotalLabelDrawParametersEvent Type

The procedural type for total label parameter customization events.


TdxChartGetTotalLabelDrawParametersEvent = procedure(Sender: TdxChartCustomDiagram; AArgs: TdxChartGetTotalLabelDrawParametersEventArgs) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TdxChartCustomDiagram

The simple diagram that raised the total label parameter customization event.

Cast this parameter to the TdxChartSimpleDiagram class to access all public API members.

AArgs TdxChartGetTotalLabelDrawParametersEventArgs

Provides access to draw parameters of the processed total label in the diagram accessible through the Sender parameter.

You can use the AArgs.Text property to change display text of the processed total label.


Use AArgs.Series and AArgs.TotalValue properties to identify the processed total label. Refer to the TdxChartGetTotalLabelDrawParametersEventArgs class description for detailed information on available options.

The OnGetTotalLabelDrawParameters event of a simple diagram references the TdxChartGetTotalLabelDrawParametersEvent procedural type.

See Also