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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TdxChartSimpleSeriesCustomPieView.SweepDirection Property

Specifies if Pie or Doughnut slices are arranged clockwise or counterclockwise.


property SweepDirection: TdxChartPieSweepDirection read; write; default TdxChartPieSweepDirection.Clockwise;

#Property Value

Type Default Description
TdxChartPieSweepDirection Clockwise

The current Pie or Doughnut sweep direction.


Use the SweepDirection property to arrange series slices clockwise or counterclockwise. To rotate the origin of series slices, use the StartAngle property.

#Property Value Examples

Value Pie Example[1] Doughnut Example[2]
TdxChartPieSweepDirection.Clockwise (default) VCL Chart Control: Pie View - Series Slices are Arranged Clockwise VCL Chart Control: Doughnut View - Series Slices are Arranged Clockwise
TdxChartPieSweepDirection.Counterclockwise VCL Chart Control: Pie View - Series Slices are Arranged Counterclockwise VCL Chart Control: Doughnut View - Series Slices are Arranged Counterclockwise

#Default Value

The SweepDirection property’s default value is TdxChartPieSweepDirection.Clockwise.

  1. This example demonstrates different SweepDirection property values on the same Pie series under the following conditions:

  2. This example demonstrates different SweepDirection property values on the same Doughnut series under the following conditions:

See Also