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TdxChartCanExplodeValueEvent Type

The procedural type for simple series explosion events.


TdxChartCanExplodeValueEvent = procedure(Sender: TdxChartSimpleSeriesCustomView; AArgs: TdxChartCanExplodeValueEventArgs) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TdxChartSimpleSeriesCustomView

The Pie or Doughnut series View that raised the series explosion event.

AArgs TdxChartCanExplodeValueEventArgs

Provides access to information related to the current simple series explosion event. You can set the AArgs.CanExplode property to True to display the current slice separately from all other series slices.


You can use the AArgs.SeriesPoint property to identify the currently processed series slice and use this information to define if the slice should be displayed separately from all other slices in the series. Refer to the TdxChartCanExplodeValueEventArgs class description for detailed information on all available options.


Series explosion events occur in a simple series View only if its ExplodedValueOptions.Mode property is set to TdxChartExplodedValueMode.Custom.

Direct TdxChartCanExplodeValueEvent Type References

The OnCanExplodeValue event of a Pie or Doughnut references the TdxChartCanExplodeValueEvent procedural event.

See Also