TcxGridWinExplorerViewItem Members
Name | Description |
Create(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
Name | Description |
ActuallyVisible | Specifies whether an item can be displayed. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
AlternateCaption | Specifies an alternative caption for the current item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
BestFitMaxWidth | Specifies the item’s (column) maximum width value (in pixels) for the best fit. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
Caption | Specifies the data item’s caption. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
ComObject | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentCount | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentIndex | Inherited from TComponent. |
Components | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentState | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentStyle | Inherited from TComponent. |
DataBinding | Specifies an object linking the current item to data storage. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
DateTimeGrouping protected | Specifies time periods used as date/time grouping values in group rows. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
DesignInfo | Inherited from TComponent. |
Editable | Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
Editing | Specifies whether the current item is in edit mode. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
EditValue | Specifies the value stored in the item’s cell in the currently focused record. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
FakeComponentLink1 | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
FakeComponentLink2 | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
FakeComponentLink3 | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
Filtered | Specifies whether filter criteria are set for the current item (column). Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
FilteringDateRanges | Provides access to the item’s collection of filter date ranges. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
Focused | Specifies whether the cell is focused. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
FocusedCellViewInfo | Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
GridView | Provides access to the parent grid View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
GroupIndex protected | Specifies the group index of the item (column). Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
GroupingDateRanges protected | Provides access to the item’s collection of grouping date ranges. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
HeaderAlignmentHorz protected | Defines the horizontal alignment of the item caption. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
HeaderAlignmentVert protected | Specifies the vertical alignment of the item caption. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
HeaderHint protected | Specifies the hint text that is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the data item’s header. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
Hidden protected | Specifies whether the item can be displayed within the Customization form. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
Hideable | Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
ID | Specifies the unique identifier assigned to an item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
IncSearching | Indicates whether an incremental search is currently in progress on the current item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
Index | Specifies the position of the item within the View’s item collection. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
IsDesigning | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
IsDestroying | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
IsFirst | Specifies whether the item is the first within the collection of visible items. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
IsLast | Specifies whether the item is the last within the collection of visible items. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
IsLoading | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
MinWidth protected | Specifies the minimum width (in pixels) of the cell in which the item’s data is displayed. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
Name | Inherited from TComponent. |
Observers | Inherited from TComponent. |
Options | |
Owner | Inherited from TComponent. |
Properties | Provides access to active in-place editor settings. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
PropertiesClass | Specifies a reference to the editor properties class that corresponds to the active in-place editor type. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
PropertiesClassName | Specifies the in-place editor type by its class name. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
RepositoryItem | Specifies an edit repository item component for the grid table item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
SortIndex | Specifies the data item’s index in a complex sort operation applied to the parent grid View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
SortOrder | Specifies the sort order of the data item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
Styles | |
Tag | Specifies the integer value associated with the data item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
VCLComObject | Inherited from TComponent. |
Visible | Specifies whether the item is displayed within a View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
VisibleCaption | Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
VisibleForCustomization protected | Specifies whether an item is shown in the Customization Form when moved into it. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
VisibleForExpressionEditor | Specifies if the grid View item is available as a value source for expressions in the “Expression Editor“ dialog. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
VisibleIndex | Specifies the position of an item within the collection of items. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
Width protected | Specifies the width (in pixels) of the cell in which displays the item’s data. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
Name | Description |
OnCustomDrawCell | Occurs every time a table or card cell is about to be drawn. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnGetCellHint | Occurs before the data item’s hint is shown when a user positions the mouse pointer over the item’s data cell. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnGetDataText | Enables you to specify custom text for cells. The text specified is used for displaying, sorting and grouping purposes. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnGetDisplayText | Occurs when an item value is displayed. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnGetFilterDisplayText | Enables you to customize item captions displayed in the filter dropdown list. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnGetFilterImages | Allows you to replace images displayed in the grid table item’s filter pop-up window. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnGetFilterValues | Enables you to customize the View item’s filter dropdown list (add or remove specific list items). Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnGetProperties | Allows you to change the active in-place editor and customize its settings depending on specific conditions. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnGetPropertiesForEdit | Allows you to change the in-place editor and customize its settings when a user invokes it for a data cell in the table item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnGetStoredProperties | Occurs when the list of the current table item’s properties that will be stored in external storage is produced. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnGetStoredPropertyValue | Occurs when values of the current table item’s properties are stored to external storage. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnInitFilteringDateRanges | Allows you to customize the item’s collection of filter date ranges. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnInitGroupingDateRanges protected | Enables you to customize the item’s collection of grouping date ranges. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnSetStoredPropertyValue | Occurs when values of the current table item’s properties are restored from external storage. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnUserFiltering | Enables you to apply proper filter criteria when a custom created filter item (a fviUser filter value item) is selected from the View item’s filter dropdown. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnUserFilteringEx | Enables you to apply proper filter criteria when a custom created filter item (a fviUserEx filter value item) is selected from the View item’s filter dropdown. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
OnValidateDrawValue | Enables you to customize the manner in which validation errors are visualized in item cells. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
PropertiesEvents | Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
StylesEvents | Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem. |
See Also