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TcxGridCardViewController Properties

A controller for a Card View.
Name Description
ClickedCellViewInfo Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
Control protected Specifies the grid control owning the View. Inherited from TcxGridViewHandler.
Controller protected Returns the View’s controller object. Inherited from TcxGridViewHandler.
Customization Inherited from TcxCustomGridController.
CustomizationFormBounds Inherited from TcxCustomGridController.
DataController protected Specifies the data controller assigned to the View. Inherited from TcxGridViewHandler.
DesignController Inherited from TcxCustomGridController.
DragAndDropObjectClass Inherited from TcxCustomGridController.
DragDropText Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
DragImages Inherited from TcxCustomGridController.
EditingController Returns the object that controls active cell editing within the current View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
EditingItem References the item currently being edited. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
FilterMRUItemsPopup Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
FilterPopup Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
FocusedCard Represents the currently selected card in a Card View.
FocusedItemIndex Identifies the index of the currently focused item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
FocusedRecord Refers to a record being focused within a View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
FocusedRecordIndex Returns the index of the focused record. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
FocusedRow Represents the currently selected row in a card.
HintCellViewInfo Inherited from TcxCustomGridController.
HintWindow Inherited from TcxCustomGridController.
IncSearchingItem Returns the item on which an incremental search is being performed. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
IncSearchingText Specifies the text being searched. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
IsDblClick Inherited from TcxCustomGridController.
IsEditing Indicates whether a cell within the View is being edited. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
IsIncSearching Indicates whether an incremental search is being performed. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
IsItemMoving Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
IsPullFocusing Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
ItemsCustomizationPopup Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
LookAndFeelPainter Inherited from TcxGridViewHandler.
MasterController Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
MouseCaptureViewInfo Inherited from TcxCustomGridController.
MovingItem Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
NewItemRecordFocused Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
Owner Provides access to the control or its object to which the persisted settings belong. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent.
Painter Inherited from TcxGridViewHandler.
PrevFocusedRecordIndex Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
SelectedRecordCount Returns the number of selected records within the View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
SelectedRecords Provides indexed access to selected records. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
Site Inherited from TcxGridViewHandler.
TopCardIndex Specifies the index of a topmost visible card.
TopRecordIndex Addresses the topmost visible record within the current View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableController.
ViewData protected Specifies the object retrieving data from a data controller and providing it to a View. Inherited from TcxGridViewHandler.
ViewInfo Inherited from TcxGridViewHandler.
See Also