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Server Mode

  • 3 minutes to read

The ExpressQuantumGrid control supports server mode – a fast, efficient data loading mode specially designed to work with large datasets (those with more than 50,000 records). This topic describes the grid features supported in this mode and their limitations. Click the links below to jump to the required section of this topic.

  • Server Mode Data Sources and Views

  • Features Supported in Server Mode

  • Server Mode Limitations

Server Mode Data Sources and Views

To enable the server mode for the grid control, you need to use the Server Mode Table View or Server Mode Banded Table View and bind it to a database table via a specially designed data source component linked to a FireDAC, dbExpress, or ADO connection (TFDConnection/TADConnection, TSQLConnection, or TADOConnection). Note that a data source component cannot be shared between Views – upon linking to a View, the data source component will be unlinked from the currently linked View automatically.

Server mode data source components include:

The current server mode implementation provides support for Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, MySQL, Firebird, InterBase (see the note below), Oracle, Advantage, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases. Refer to the Connecting to Data in Server Mode topic, to learn how to bind the ExpressQuantumGrid control to a database table in this mode.


Query-based server mode data sources (TdxServerModeFireDACQueryDataSource, TdxServerModeDBXQueryDataSource, and TdxServerModeADOQueryDataSource) do not support InterBase databases.

Features Supported in Server Mode

The main data shaping and data representation features of the grid control supported in server mode are listed below.

(*) supported with limitations (see below)

Server Mode Limitations

In server mode, the View does not have simultaneous access to bound data in its entirety. This imposes some limitations on the View’s features and capabilities that are still available in regular bound mode. The list below includes the features that are not supported in server mode.

Additionally, query-based server mode data source have the following restrictions on the SQL statement specified via the data source SQL property:

  • An expression in the SELECT list must always have a column alias. The DX0, DXRESULTSET, and DXROWNUMBER column aliases are reserved for internal use;

  • Row constraint functions or clauses are supported only if you provide the ORDER BY clause.

See Also