TcxDataSummaryItems.OnSummary Event
Allows you to customize summary calculation.
property OnSummary: TcxSummaryEvent read; write;
A summary item in the collection can use one of the predefined summary calculation algorithms to iterate through all target record values of the associated data item. A footer summary iterates through all record values of the associated data item while a group summary iterates through the data item’s record values that belong to the corresponding group.
You can handle the OnSummary
event to override or complement the selected summary calculation algorithm. For example, you can exclude Null Variant record values from summary calculation as demonstrated in the code example below.
#Event Occurrence
The OnSummary
event occurs every time a summary item processes a record in the source data item to calculate a summary. The OutArguments
.CountValue field returns the number of OnSummary
event occurrences during the current calculation process.
#Event Parameters
The following parameters are accessible within an OnSummary
event handler:
- Provides access to the summary item collection that raised the summary calculation event.
.SummaryItem andArguments
.RecordIndex fields allow you to identify the calculated summary item and the currently processed record in the source data item.OutArguments
- Allows you to customize summary calculation for the currently processed record. For example, you can assign
to theOutArguments
.Done field to exclude the currently processed record’s value from the resulting summary.
Refer to the TcxSummaryEvent procedural type description for detailed information on all available options.
#Code Examples
#Exclude Null Values from Summary Calculation
The following code example excludes all Null Variant record values from summary calculation:
procedure TMyForm.cxGrid1DBTableView1DataControllerSummaryDefaultGroupSummaryItemsSummary(
ASender: TcxDataSummaryItems; Arguments: TcxSummaryEventArguments;
var OutArguments: TcxSummaryEventOutArguments);
if (VarIsNull(OutArguments.Value)) then // If the currently processed value is Null Variant
OutArguments.Done := True; // Ignores the Null Variant record value
#Custom Summary Calculation
All predefined summary calculation algorithms use record values of only one data item. The OnSummary
event allows you to modify a predefined summary calculation algorithm in any manner. For example, you can use values of multiple data items in every iteration of the summary calculation process.
The code example below demonstrates an OnSummary
event handler that modifies the predefined algorithm MAX. The event handler calculates the highest population density based on data-aware grid columns that display country areas (DBTableView1Area) and corresponding population values (DBTableView1Population):
procedure TMyForm.cxGrid1DBTableView1DataControllerSummaryDefaultGroupSummaryItemsSummary(
ASender: TcxDataSummaryItems; Arguments: TcxSummaryEventArguments;
var OutArguments: TcxSummaryEventOutArguments);
AArea, APopulation: Variant;
// Obtain the area value for the currently processed record
AArea := ASender.DataController.Values[Arguments.RecordIndex, DBTableView1Area.Index];
// Obtain the population value for the currently processed record
APopulation := ASender.DataController.Values[Arguments.RecordIndex, DBTableView1Population.Index];
OutArguments.Value := APopulation/AArea; // Calculates the custom summary value (maximum population density)
#Sum Different Value Types Separately
The code example in this section demonstrates an OnSummary
event handler. This handler configures three existing summaries to display sums of positive and negative values as well as the total value.
The grid Table View’s OptionsView.FooterMultiSummaries property is set to True
to display all summary items.
Follow the steps below to test this code example in your RAD Studio IDE:
- Copy the DFM code snippet below.
- Create a new project in the IDE and focus an empty form.
- Press Ctrl+V to populate the form with preconfigured components.
- Select cxGrid1DBTableView1 in the TcxGrid on the form.
- Create an empty
event handler in the DataController.Summary.FooterSummaryItems node, paste the code example, and run the project.
object cxGrid1: TcxGrid
Left = 8
Top = 8
Width = 441
Height = 278
TabOrder = 0
object cxGrid1DBTableView1: TcxGridDBTableView
Navigator.Buttons.CustomButtons = <>
ScrollbarAnnotations.CustomAnnotations = <>
DataController.DataSource = DataSource1
DataController.Summary.DefaultGroupSummaryItems = <>
DataController.Summary.FooterSummaryItems = <
Kind = skSum
Tag = 1
Column = cxGrid1DBTableView1Val
Kind = skSum
Tag = 2
Column = cxGrid1DBTableView1Val
Kind = skSum
Column = cxGrid1DBTableView1Val
DataController.Summary.SummaryGroups = <>
OptionsView.Footer = True
OptionsView.FooterMultiSummaries = True
object cxGrid1DBTableView1RecId: TcxGridDBColumn
DataBinding.FieldName = 'RecId'
Width = 84
object cxGrid1DBTableView1Desc: TcxGridDBColumn
DataBinding.FieldName = 'Desc'
Width = 190
object cxGrid1DBTableView1Val: TcxGridDBColumn
DataBinding.FieldName = 'Val'
Width = 165
object cxGrid1Level1: TcxGridLevel
GridView = cxGrid1DBTableView1
object dxMemData1: TdxMemData
Active = True
Indexes = <>
Persistent.Data = {
SortOptions = []
Left = 72
Top = 224
object dxMemData1Desc: TStringField
FieldName = 'Desc'
Size = 10
object dxMemData1Val: TSmallintField
FieldName = 'Val'
object DataSource1: TDataSource
DataSet = dxMemData1
Left = 120
Top = 224
object dxSkinController1: TdxSkinController
SkinName = 'WXICompact'
SkinPaletteName = 'Clearness'
Left = 192
Top = 224
procedure TForm1.cxGrid1DBTableView1DataControllerSummaryFooterSummaryItemsSummary(
ASender: TcxDataSummaryItems; Arguments: TcxSummaryEventArguments;
var OutArguments: TcxSummaryEventOutArguments);
ASummaryItem: TcxGridDBTableSummaryItem;
ASummaryItem := Arguments.SummaryItem as TcxGridDBTableSummaryItem;
if ASummaryItem.Column = cxGrid1DBTableView1Val then // Identifies the target column
case ASummaryItem.Tag of // Uses tag values to identify summary items
1: // Calculates the sum of only negative values (the condition excludes zero and positive values)
OutArguments.Done := VarIsNull(OutArguments.Value) or (OutArguments.Value > 0);
2: // Calculates the sum of only positive values (the condition excludes zero and negative values)
OutArguments.Done := VarIsNull(OutArguments.Value) or (OutArguments.Value < 0);