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Ribbon User Interface

  • 2 minutes to read

The ExpressBars Suite allows you to create a Ribbon UI (like that found in Microsoft Office 2007 or later).

Ribbon User Interface

Our Ribbon implementation includes the following elements:

According to the 2007 Microsoft® Office System User Interface Design Guidelines, the Ribbon implementation must follow the following requirements:

  • The Ribbon is the primary replacement for menus and toolbars in the 2007 Microsoft Office UI.

  • The Ribbon must replace all top-level menus and toolbars (e.g. File, Edit, View, Insert, Window, etc.).

  • The Ribbon must not coexist with top-level menus and toolbars. The Ribbon is a replacement for menus and toolbars. The Ribbon is not an additional component that can be added onto an existing menu- and toolbar-based user interface.

Refer to the following topic for details: User Interface Principles.

For a quick start with Ribbon application and Ribbon form development, use the IDE templates shipped with the ExpressBars Suite. To learn more, refer to the Ribbon Application and Form IDE Templates topic.

See Also