- 2 minutes to read
Bars represent visual components designed to display item controls using item link settings. Bars can be floated or docked to any edge of a form/frame via four bar dock controls that a bar manager automatically creates when it’s placed on the form/frame. In addition, you can choose one toolbar to be displayed as a main menu.
Users can easily customize the layout of toolbars via drag and drop both at design and runtime. Refer to the Using Drag and Drop topic, to learn more about this capability.
In the Ribbon control, toolbars are docked into Ribbon tab groups and cannot be customized via drag and drop.
#Creating and Removing Bars
To create and remove toolbars at design time, use the following options:
A bar manager and toolbar’s context menus;
The Toolbars page of the Customization Form;
In code, use a bar manager’s AddToolbar and DeleteToolbar methods.
End-users can manage toolbars using the Customization Form provided that a bar manager’s CanCustomize property is set to True. Refer to the Using the Customization Form topic to learn how end-users can invoke this form.
#Visibility and Appearance Settings
The toolbar visibility can be switched using the following options:
The Toolbars page of the Customization Form;
The toolbars popup menu;
In code, use a bar’s Visible property.
Use TdxBar class members to customize various appearance aspects of toolbar elements.
#Docking Settings
The ExpressBars Suite allows you to prohibit toolbar docking. To specify dock settings for all toolbars, use a bar manager’s NotDocking property. To modify dock options for a specific toolbar, use its NotDocking property.