Column Properties
A single column in a worksheet.Name | Description |
Alignment | Provides access to cell alignment. Inherited from Formatting. |
Areas | Provides access to the ranges that comprise a complex (union) range. Inherited from CellRange. |
ArrayFormula | Gets or sets the array formula associated with the cell or cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
ArrayFormulaInvariant | Gets or sets the array formula in the invariant culture. Inherited from CellRange. |
Borders | Provides access to cell borders. Inherited from Formatting. |
BottomRowIndex | Gets the index of the row that includes the bottom edge of the cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
ColumnCount | Gets the number of columns in the cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
ColumnWidth | Gets or sets the width of columns that contain this cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
ColumnWidthInCharacters | Gets or sets the width of columns that contain the cell range in characters of the default font specified by the built-in Normal style. Inherited from CellRange. |
CurrentRegion | Gets a range with non-empty cells surrounded by empty rows and columns. Inherited from CellRange. |
Dependents | Gets a list of ranges (cells) whose formulas refer to the current range or cell, directly or indirectly (at any level). Inherited from CellRange. |
DirectDependents | Gets a list of ranges (cells) whose formulas use the current range or cell. Inherited from CellRange. |
DirectPrecedents | Gets a list of ranges (cells) that are directly referred to in the formulas in the current cell or range. Inherited from CellRange. |
ExistingCells | Gets the existing cells in the current cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
Fill | Provides access to cell background. Inherited from Formatting. |
FillColor | Gets or sets the cell background color. Inherited from CellRange. |
Flags | Provides access to flags that control which cell format attributes are specified by the applied cell style and which ones are specified by direct cell formatting. Inherited from Formatting. |
Font | Provides access to the cell font. Inherited from Formatting. |
Formula | Gets or sets the formula contained in the cell or cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
FormulaInvariant | Gets or sets the range formula in the invariant culture. Inherited from CellRange. |
GroupLevel | Gets the grouping level of the affected column. |
HasArrayFormula | Determines whether the current cell or cell range intersects a range filled with an array formula. Inherited from CellRange. |
HasData | Checks whether the current cell range contains data. Inherited from CellRange. |
HasFormula | Determines whether all cells in the range contain a formula. Inherited from CellRange. |
HasRichText | Gets a value indicating whether a cell contains rich formatted text. Inherited from CellRange. |
Heading | Gets the column heading. |
Index | Gets the zero-based index of the column within the worksheet’s ColumnCollection. |
IsMerged | Determines whether the range is created by merging cells. Inherited from CellRange. |
Item[Int32, Int32] | Gets an individual cell by row and column offsets from the top left cell of the current range. Inherited from CellRange. |
Item[Int32] | Provides access to an individual cell located at the intersection of the current column and the specified row. |
Item[String] | Provides access to an individual cell located at the intersection of the current column and the specified row. |
LeftColumnIndex | Gets the index of the column that includes the left edge of the cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
NumberFormat | Specifies a number format for a numeric cell value in the invariant culture. Inherited from Formatting. |
NumberFormatLocal | Specifies a number format for a numeric cell value based on the current (local) culture. Inherited from Formatting. |
Precedents | Gets a list of ranges (cells) that are used by a formula in the current cell or range. Inherited from CellRange. |
Protection | Provides access to options which are in effect when the worksheet is protected. Inherited from Formatting. |
RightColumnIndex | Gets the index of the column that includes the right edge of the cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
RowCount | Gets the number of rows in the cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
RowHeight | Gets or sets the height of rows that contain this cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
Style | Gets or sets the style applied to the current range of cells. Inherited from CellRange. |
TopRowIndex | Gets the index of the row that includes the top edge of the cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
Value | Gets or sets a cell value. Inherited from CellRange. |
Visible | Gets or sets whether the column is visible or hidden. |
Width | Gets or sets the column width. |
WidthInCharacters | Gets or sets the column width in characters of the default font specified by the built-in Normal style. |
WidthInPixels | Gets or sets the column width in pixels. |
Worksheet | Gets the worksheet that contains the cell range. Inherited from CellRange. |
See Also