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ComboBoxEditActualAppearance Members

An appearance object.


Name Description
BackgroundColor Gets the background color that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this color, use the EditBase‘s BackgroundColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
BorderColor Gets the border color that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this color, use the BorderColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
BorderThickness Gets the border thickness value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this color, use the BorderThickness property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
BottomTextFontSize Gets the bottom text’s font size value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the BottomTextFontSize property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
BottomTextTopIndent Gets the bottom text’s top indent value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the BottomTextTopIndent property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
BoxMinHeight Gets the editor box’s minimal height value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the BoxMinHeight property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
BoxPadding Gets the editor box’s padding value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the BoxPadding property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
ClearIconColor Gets the color that is applied to the EditBase‘s clear icon. To specify this color, use the ClearIconColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
ClearIconVisibility Gets the clear icon’s visibility value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the BoxPadding property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
CornerRadius Gets the corder radius value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the CornerRadius property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
CursorColor Gets the cursor color that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the CursorColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
DisabledBackgroundColor Gets the background color that is applied to the EditBase when it is disabled. To specify this color, use the DisabledBackgroundColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
DisabledBorderColor Gets the border color that is applied to the EditBase when it is disabled. To specify this color, use the DisabledBorderColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
DisabledBorderThickness Gets the border thickness value that is applied to the EditBase when it is disabled. To specify this value, use the DisabledBorderThickness property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
DisabledHelpTextColor Gets the help text color that is applied to the EditBase when it is disabled. To specify this color, use the DisabledHelpTextColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
DisabledIconColor Gets the icon color that is applied to the EditBase when it is disabled. To specify this color, use the DisabledIconColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
DisabledLabelColor Gets the label color that is applied to the EditBase when it is disabled. To specify this color, use the DisabledLabelColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
DisabledTextColor Gets the text color that is applied to the EditBase when it is disabled. To specify this color, use the DisabledTextColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
DropDownBackgroundColor Gets the background color that is applied to the ItemsEditBase‘s drop-down list. To specify this color, use the DropDownBackgroundColor property. Inherited from ItemsEditBaseActualAppearance.
DropDownIconColor Gets the drop-down icon color that is applied to the ComboBoxEdit. To specify this color, use the DropDownIconColor property. Inherited from ComboBoxEditBaseActualAppearance.
DropDownItemFontAttributes Gets the font attribute value that is applied to the ItemsEditBase‘s drop-down items. To specify this value, use the DropDownItemFontAttributes property. Inherited from ItemsEditBaseActualAppearance.
DropDownItemFontFamily Gets the font family value that is applied to the ItemsEditBase‘s drop-down items. To specify this value, use the DropDownItemFontFamily property. Inherited from ItemsEditBaseActualAppearance.
DropDownItemFontSize Gets the font size value that is applied to the ItemsEditBase‘s drop-down items. To specify this value, use the DropDownItemFontSize property. Inherited from ItemsEditBaseActualAppearance.
DropDownItemPadding Gets the padding value that is applied to the ItemsEditBase‘s drop-down items. To specify this value, use the DropDownItemPadding property. Inherited from ItemsEditBaseActualAppearance.
DropDownItemTextColor Gets the text color that is applied to the ItemsEditBase‘s drop-down items. To specify this color, use the DropDownItemTextColor property. Inherited from ItemsEditBaseActualAppearance.
DropDownSelectedItemBackgroundColor Gets the background color that is applied to the ItemsEditBase‘s drop-down item when it is selected. To specify this color, use the DropDownSelectedItemBackgroundColor property. Inherited from ItemsEditBaseActualAppearance.
DropDownSelectedItemTextColor Gets the text color that is applied to the ItemsEditBase‘s drop-down item when it is selected. To specify this color, use the DropDownSelectedItemTextColor property. Inherited from ItemsEditBaseActualAppearance.
EndIconColor Gets the color that is applied to the EditBase‘s end icon. To specify this color, use the EndIconColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
ErrorColor Gets the color of the edit box’s borders, label, error icon, and error message that is applied to the EditBase when it is disabled. To specify this color, use the ErrorColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
ErrorIconColor Gets the color that is applied to the EditBase‘s error icon. To specify this color, use the ErrorIconColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
FocusedBorderColor Gets the border color that is applied to the EditBase when it is focused. To specify this color, use the FocusedBorderColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
FocusedBorderThickness Gets the border thickness value that is applied to the EditBase when it is focused. To specify this value, use the FocusedBorderThickness property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
FocusedLabelColor Gets the label color that is applied to the EditBase when it is focused. To specify this color, use the FocusedLabelColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
HelpTextColor Gets the help text color that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this color, use the HelpTextColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
HorizontalOptions Gets the horizontal option value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the EditBase‘s HorizontalOptions property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
IconColor Gets the icon’s color that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this color, use the IconColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
IconIndent Gets the icon’s indent value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the IconColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
IconSpacing Gets the icon’s spacing value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the IconSpacing property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
LabelColor Gets the label’s color that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this color, use the LabelColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
LabelFontSize Gets the label’s font size value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the LabelColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
OutlineButtonBorderThickness Gets the border thickness of the outlined buttons that is applied to the current ComboBoxEdit.
PickerPageBackgroundColor Gets the background color value that is applied to the ComboBoxEdit‘s picker page.
PlaceholderColor Gets the placeholder’s color that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this color, use the LabelColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
StartIconColor Gets the color that is applied to the EditBase‘s start icon. To specify this color, use the StartIconColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
TextColor Gets the text’s color that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this color, use the TextColor property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
TextFontSize Gets the text font size value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the TextFontSize property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
TextHorizontalAlignment Gets the text horizontal alignment value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the TextHorizontalAlignment property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
TextVerticalAlignment Returns the vertical alignment that is applied to the editor text. To specify this value, use the TextVerticalAlignment property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.
VerticalOptions Gets the vertical option value that is applied to the EditBase. To specify this value, use the EditBase‘s HorizontalOptions property. Inherited from EditBaseActualAppearance.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from System.Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from System.Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from System.Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from System.Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from System.Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from System.Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from System.Object.
See Also