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PageImageBrick Properties
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A visual brick within the page header or page footer section, containing an image.
Name Description
AccessibleDescription Gets or sets the description of an element used by assistive technologies. Inherited from Brick.
AccessibleObject For internal use. Inherited from Brick.
AccessibleRole Inherited from Brick.
Alignment Gets or sets the alignment of brick within the page layout rectangle.
AnchorName Gets or sets an anchor name assigned to the Brick object. Inherited from Brick.
BackColor Defines the background color for the current VisualBrick. Inherited from VisualBrick.
BookmarkInfo Gets an object containing information about the bookmark for this VisualBrick. Inherited from VisualBrick.
BorderColor Defines the border color for the current VisualBrick. Inherited from VisualBrick.
BorderDashStyle Specifies the dash style for the brick’s border. Inherited from VisualBrick.
BorderStyle Gets or sets the border style of a brick. Inherited from VisualBrick.
BorderWidth Specifies the border width of the current VisualBrick object. Inherited from VisualBrick.
BrickOwner Gets the owner of this brick. Inherited from VisualBrick.
Bricks Gets a collection of bricks which are contained in this Brick. Inherited from Brick.
BrickType Gets the text string, containing the brick type information.
CanPublish Specifies whether or not a brick is displayed in a printed or exported document. Inherited from BrickBase.
DisposeImage Gets or sets a value indicating whether it is necessary to dispose of an image assigned to the ImageBrick.ImageSource property, when disposing the ImageBrick object. Inherited from ImageBrick.
EmfMetafile For internal use. Inherited from ImageBrick.
HasCrossReference For internal use. Intended to support exporting bricks to some formats. Inherited from Brick.
Hint Defines the text displayed as the current brick hint. Inherited from VisualBrick.
HtmlImageUrl Gets or sets the path to the image to display in the ImageBrick. Inherited from ImageBrick.
ID Identifies the current brick. Inherited from Brick.
Image Defines the image displayed within the brick. Inherited from ImageBrick.
ImageAlignment Specifies the alignment of an image.
ImageEntry Gets or sets the value used to support serialization of the ImageBrick.ImageSource property. Inherited from ImageBrick.
ImageSource Defines the image displayed within the brick. Inherited from ImageBrick.
IsVisible Specifies the visibility of Brick. Inherited from Brick.
LineAlignment Gets or sets the brick alignment related to the top of the parent area.
Location Defines the current brick’s location, in GraphicsUnit.Document measurement units. Inherited from BrickBase.
Modifier Specifies the page area for displaying a specific brick. Inherited from BrickBase.
NavigationBrickIndices Gets a string value, which is intended for serialization of the brick’s bookmark. Inherited from VisualBrick.
NavigationPageIndex Gets an index of a page, which contains a bookmark’s brick. Inherited from VisualBrick.
NavigationPair Provides access to the brick-page pair, associated with the current brick. Inherited from VisualBrick.
NoClip Specifies whether or not a brick’s bounds can be clipped. Inherited from BrickBase.
Padding Gets or sets the padding values of a brick. Inherited from VisualBrick.
Parent Obsolete. Gets or sets the parent document band for the current brick. Inherited from Brick.
Printed Obsolete. Specifies whether the current brick will be printed. Inherited from BrickBase.
PrintingSystem Gets or sets the Printing System used to create and print this brick. Inherited from VisualBrick.
Rect Defines the current brick’s location and size, in GraphicsUnit.Document measurement units. Inherited from Brick.
RepeatForVerticallySplitContent Specifies whether to repeat a brick for a content that is split across multiple pages vertically. Inherited from BrickBase.
RightToLeftLayout For internal use. Inherited from VisualBrick.
Separable Override this property to specify whether the current brick can be divided into multiple parts when a document is repaginated. Inherited from Brick.
SeparableHorz Determines whether the current brick can be divided into several parts horizontally. Inherited from VisualBrick.
SeparableVert Determines whether the current brick can be divided into several parts vertically. Inherited from VisualBrick.
Sides Defines the border settings for the current VisualBrick. Inherited from VisualBrick.
Size Defines the current brick’s size, in GraphicsUnit.Document measurement units. Inherited from BrickBase.
SizeMode Specifies the size mode for the ImageBrick. Inherited from ImageBrick.
StoredId For internal use. Inherited from BrickBase.
Style Gets or sets the BrickStyle instance used to render a brick in an appropriate format. Inherited from VisualBrick.
Tag Gets or sets the object that contains additional data associated with the control. Inherited from Brick.
Target Gets or sets the target attribute assigned to this Brick and used when a Brick.Url property is specified. Inherited from Brick.
Text Overrides the VisualBrick.Text property to hide it. Inherited from ImageBrick.
TextValue Overrides the VisualBrick.TextValue property to hide it. Inherited from ImageBrick.
TextValueFormatString Overrides the VisualBrick.TextValueFormatString property to hide it. Inherited from ImageBrick.
Url Specifies the link to an external resource. Inherited from Brick.
UseImageMetadata Inherited from ImageBrick.
UseImageResolution Gets or sets whether to use the original image DPI (dots per inch) value when the image is rendered in a document. Inherited from ImageBrick.
UseTextAsDefaultHint Specifies whether the brick hint’s content corresponds to the brick’s text. Inherited from VisualBrick.
Value Gets or sets an object, containing additional information on the current brick. Inherited from Brick.
XlsxFormatString Overrides the VisualBrick.XlsxFormatString property to hide it. Inherited from ImageBrick.
See Also