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PageInfo Enum

Contains the values that define what kind of information is displayed in the current PageInfoBrick.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraPrinting

Assembly: DevExpress.Data.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Data


public enum PageInfo : byte


Name Description

Indicates that the PageInfoTextBrick.Format property value is displayed in the current PageInfoTextBrick.


Indicates that the current page number is displayed in the PageInfoBrick.


Indicates that both the current page number and the total number of pages in the current report are displayed in the current PageInfoBrick.


Indicates that the current page number is displayed in the PageInfoBrick using roman numerals in lowercase.


Indicates that the current page number is displayed in the PageInfoBrick using roman numerals in uppercase.


Indicates that the current date and time are displayed in the PageInfoBrick.


Indicates that the user name for the current thread is displayed in the PageInfoBrick.


Indicates that the total number of pages is displayed in the PageInfoBrick.


The information, displayed within a specific PageInfoBrick varies depending upon the PageInfoTextBrick.PageInfo and PageInfoTextBrick.Format property values. If the PageInfo parameter value is RomHiNumber or RomLowNumber, the PageInfoTextBrick.Format parameter value is simply ignored and page numbers are displayed using upper or lowercase roman numerals. If the PageInfoTextBrick.PageInfo property value is None, the PageInfoBrick displays a string, defined via the PageInfoTextBrick.Format property. If the PageInfoTextBrick.PageInfo property value is DateTime, Number or NumberOfTotal, the PageInfoTextBrick.Format property value is assumed to be a format string for the information displayed in the PageInfoBrick. For additional information on formatting different value types, see the “IFormatProvider Interface” topic in MSDN documentation.

See Also