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PrintingSystemCommand Enum

Specifies the commands which can be executed in the printing system’s document preview.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraPrinting

Assembly: DevExpress.Data.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Data


public enum PrintingSystemCommand


Name Description

Doesn’t identify any command. This member is intended for internal use only.


PrintPreviewBar.btnDocumentMap Shows or hides the Document Map pane, which displays the hierarchy of bookmarks in a report document.


PrintPreviewBar.Parameters Shows or hides the Parameters pane, which enables end-users to enter parameter values, apply them to a report’s data source and re-generate the report document.


Shows the mouse pointer, when there is no need to show either the Hand Tool, or the Magnifier. Note that this command is in use in the Ribbon Print Preview Form only.


PrintPreviewBar.btnHandTool Invokes or hides the Hand Tool in the document’s preview. This tool is used for scrolling the pages of the document being previewed.


PrintPreviewBar.btnCustomize Invokes the property editor of the component which is about to be printed. Note that this component should implement the IPrintable interface.


PrintPreviewBar.btnPrint Invokes the Print dialog for the current document. This dialog allows the printer to be selected, its properties set, the number of copies entered and the range of pages to print to be specified.


PrintPreviewBar.btnPrintDirect Prints the document preview directly, without any dialogs. This is useful when the printer’s settings don’t need to be changed before a document is printed.


PrintPreviewBar.btnPageSetup Invokes the Page Setup dialog which allows some of the page’s settings to be adjusted (orientation, margins, paper size and source).


PrintPreviewBar.btnEditPageHF Invokes the Header/Footer Editor dialog. This dialog is used to insert standard page information into a report’s headers and footers.


PrintPreviewBar.btnMagnifier Invokes the preview magnifier. When the magnifier is activated the mouse cursor resembles a magnifying glass and a click on a preview page zooms in on it. There are two possible values for the magnification level. The first magnification value is always fixed and is equal to 100 %. The other value is calculated so that the entire preview page is visible at once without having to scroll it.


PrintPreviewBar.btnZoomIn Zooms the preview in. Each time this command is performed, the preview gets zoomed in by approximately 10%.


PrintPreviewBar.btnZoomOut Zooms the preview out. Each time this command is performed, the preview gets zoomed out by approximately 10%.


PrintPreviewBar.btnZoom Zooms in on a document by one of the predefined zoom factors. They are as follows: 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 150%, 200% and 500%.


Identifies the Zoom trackbar control, which is available in the bottom-right corner of the Print Preview Form with a Ribbon.


Zooms a document in or out so that only one entire page of the document is shown in the preview.


PrintPreviewBar.btnShowFirstPage Displays the first page in the preview.


PrintPreviewBar.btnShowPreviousPage Moves to the previous page in the preview.


PrintPreviewBar.btnShowNextPage Moves to the next page in the preview.


Scrolls one page up, as when an end-user presses the PAGE UP key.


Scrolls one page down, as when an end-user presses the PAGE DOWN key.


PrintPreviewBar.btnShowLastPage Displays the last page in the preview.


PrintPreviewBar.btnMultiplePages Shows the layout of the document’s preview across multiple pages. To specify a particular number of page rows and columns in a Print Control, use the DocumentViewerBase.SetPageView method.


PrintPreviewBar.btnBackground Invokes the Color dialog which allows the background color of the current document to be specified.


PrintPreviewBar.btnFind Invokes the Find dialog in the document’s preview. This dialog provides a search dialog which allows end-users to search a report for specific text directly in the preview window.


PrintPreviewBar.btnClosePreview Closes the preview window.


PrintPreviewBar.btnWatermark Invokes the Watermark dialog which can be used to specify either background text or a picture as a document’s watermark. Note that a document’s watermark can be accessed via the PrintingSystemBase.Watermarks property.


PrintPreviewBar.btnExportDocument Exports the current document to a file (a report can be exported to PDF, RTF, HTML, MHT, XLS, TXT, CSV and various image formats).


PrintPreviewBar.btnSendDocument Exports the document in the preview window, then creates a new e-mail in the default system mailer and attaches the exported document to the e-mail. The exporting format can be specified via the drop-down list.


Exports the current document to a graphics file (BMP, EMF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, WMF formats).


Exports the current document to a PDF file.


Exports the current document to a TXT file.


Exports a document to a CSV (comma-separated values) file.


Exports the current document to an MHT file.


Exports the current document to an XLS file.


Exports the current document to an XLSX file.


Exports the current document to an RTF file.


Exports the current document to a DOCX file.


Exports the current document to an HTML file.


Exports the current document to an XPS file.


This is supported only by the DXPrinting for WPF library.


Exports the current document to a graphics file (BMP, EMF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, WMF formats) and sends it via e-mail.


Exports the current document to a PDF file and sends it via e-mail.


Exports the current document to a TXT file and sends it via e-mail.


Exports the current document to a CSV (comma-separated values) file and sends it via e-mail.


Exports the current document to an MHT file and sends it via e-mail.


Exports the current document to an XLS file and sends it via e-mail.


Exports the current document to an XLSX file and sends it via e-mail.


Exports the current document to an RTF file and sends it via e-mail.


Exports the current document to a DOCX file and sends it via e-mail.


Exports the current document to a XPS file and sends it via e-mail.


This is supported only by the DXPrinting for WPF library.


Zooms a document in or out as appropriate, so that the width of the current page fits the preview window.


Zooms a document in or out as appropriate, so that the width of the text in the current page fits the preview window.


Zooms a document in or out as appropriate, so that only a single page of the document is shown in the preview.


Zooms a document in or out as appropriate, so that only two entire pages of the document are shown in the preview.


Identifies the item which is the parent to the PageLayoutContinuous and PageLayoutFacing subitems. Use this value as a parameter for the PrintingSystemBase.SetCommandVisibility method to hide or show the page layout items from the menu of the Preview Form.


Changes the view of the document’s preview so that the pages are arranged side-by-side.


Changes the view of the document’s preview so that the pages are arranged as a continuous vertical column.


Identifies the File menu item, which is a parent for the PageSetup, Print, PrintDirect, ExportFile and SendFile subitems. Use this value as a parameter for the PrintingSystemBase.SetCommandVisibility method, to hide or show the File items from the menu of the Print Preview form.


Identifies the View menu item, which is a parent for the PageLayout, Toolbar, Status Bar and Customize subitems. Use this value as a parameter for the PrintingSystemBase.SetCommandVisibility method, to hide or show the View items from the menu of the Print Preview form.


Identifies the Background menu item, which is a parent for the FillBackground and Watermark subitems. Use this value as a parameter for the PrintingSystemBase.SetCommandVisibility method, to hide or show the Background items from the menu of the Print Preview form.


PrintPreviewBar.Scale Stretches or shrinks the document to a percentage of its actual size. Note that if you need to specify a particular scale factor or number of pages a document should be scaled to, the Document.ScaleFactor and Document.AutoFitToPagesWidth properties will be useful.


Chooses the paper size of the document. Note that this command is in use in the Ribbon Print Preview Form only.


Switches the pages between portrait and landscape layouts. Note that this command is in use in the Ribbon Print Preview Form only.


Selects the margin sizes for the entire document. Note that this command is in use in the Ribbon Print Preview Form only.


PrintPreviewBar.Open Opens a document. This command is represented both via the menu item and toolbar button.


PrintPreviewBar.Save Saves a document to a file. This command is represented both via the menu item and toolbar button.


Identifies the Stop button, which is displayed in the status bar to the right of the progress bar, and can be used to stop generating a document.


Submits the parameters specified in the Parameters panel.


Copies the selected document content to the Clipboard.


Prints the selected document content.


Raises the Go To Page dialog to jump to the specified page number.


Toggles the Thumbnails panel visibility.


Highlights all available fields whose content can be edited.


Every printing system command represents either a toolbar button, a menu item, or both a button and a corresponding menu item in the Preview window. This enumeration’s members are used to specify the printing system commands, and can be used with the PrintingSystemBase.SetCommandVisibility, PrintingSystemBase.GetCommandVisibility and PrintControl.ExecCommand methods.


This example illustrates how to change the visibility of the toolbar buttons and menu items of a print preview by using the PrintingSystemBase.SetCommandVisibility method that defines the availability of commands in print preview.

The following code hides the Watermark button from the toolbar (together with the corresponding menu item), makes the DocumentMap button and menu item visible, and then makes the ExportToCsv and ExportToTxt commands visible (in both the window’s menu, and in the toolbar).

All available commands are listed in the PrintingSystemCommand enumeration.

using DevExpress.XtraPrinting;
// ...

// Get the printing system of the DocumentViewer control.
PrintingSystemBase ps = documentViewer1.PrintingSystem;

// Hide the Watermark toolbar button, and also the Watermark menu item.
if (ps.GetCommandVisibility(PrintingSystemCommand.Watermark) != CommandVisibility.None){
   ps.SetCommandVisibility(PrintingSystemCommand.Watermark, CommandVisibility.None);

// Show the Document Map toolbar button and menu item.
ps.SetCommandVisibility(PrintingSystemCommand.DocumentMap, CommandVisibility.All);

// Make the "Export to Csv" and "Export to Txt" commands visible.
ps.SetCommandVisibility(new PrintingSystemCommand[] 
   {PrintingSystemCommand.ExportCsv, PrintingSystemCommand.ExportTxt}, CommandVisibility.All);
See Also