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IPrintingSystem Members

Provides the base functionality of the XtraPrinting Library.


Name Description
AutoFitToPagesWidth For internal use. If implemented by a class, gets or sets the number of virtual pages which should be placed on one physical page, so their total width is the same as the width of a physical page.
Images For internal use. If implemented by a class, contains a collection of images to be cached when creating a document.
Version Identifies the XtraPrinting Library version.


Name Description
CreateBrick(String) If implemented by a class, creates a brick by its type name.
CreateImageBrick() If implemented by a class, creates an image brick.
CreatePanelBrick() If implemented by a class, creates a panel brick.
CreateProgressBarBrick() If implemented by a class, creates a progress bar brick.
CreateRichTextBrick() If implemented by a class, creates a rich text brick.
CreateTextBrick() If implemented by a class, creates a text brick.
CreateTrackBarBrick() For internal use.
InsertPageBreak(Single) If implemented by a class, inserts a page break at a specified position.
SetCommandVisibility(PrintingSystemCommand, Boolean) If implemented by a class, changes the visibility of the specified printing system command.


Name Description
AfterChange Occurs after certain properties of the IPrintingSystem object have been changed.
BeforeChange Occurs before certain properties of the IPrintingSystem object are changed.
See Also