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EmptyBrick Members

For internal use. Intended to create indivisible brick groups.


Name Description
EmptyBrick() Initializes a new instance of the EmptyBrick class with the default settings.

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Name Description
AccessibleDescription Gets or sets the description of an element used by assistive technologies. Inherited from Brick.
AccessibleObject For internal use. Inherited from Brick.
AccessibleRole Inherited from Brick.
AnchorName Gets or sets an anchor name assigned to the Brick object. Inherited from Brick.
Bricks Gets a collection of bricks which are contained in this Brick. Inherited from Brick.
BrickType Gets the text string, containing the brick type information.
CanPublish Specifies whether or not a brick is displayed in a printed or exported document. Inherited from BrickBase.
HasCrossReference For internal use. Intended to support exporting bricks to some formats. Inherited from Brick.
Hint Defines the text displayed as the current brick hint. Inherited from Brick.
ID Identifies the current brick. Inherited from Brick.
IsVisible Specifies the visibility of Brick. Inherited from Brick.
Location Defines the current brick’s location, in GraphicsUnit.Document measurement units. Inherited from BrickBase.
Modifier Specifies the page area for displaying a specific brick. Inherited from BrickBase.
NoClip Specifies whether or not a brick’s bounds can be clipped. Inherited from BrickBase.
Parent Obsolete. Gets or sets the parent document band for the current brick. Inherited from Brick.
Printed Obsolete. Specifies whether the current brick will be printed. Inherited from BrickBase.
PrintingSystem Gets or sets the Printing System used to create and print this brick. Inherited from Brick.
Rect Defines the current brick’s location and size, in GraphicsUnit.Document measurement units. Inherited from Brick.
RepeatForVerticallySplitContent Specifies whether to repeat a brick for a content that is split across multiple pages vertically. Inherited from BrickBase.
Separable Override this property to specify whether the current brick can be divided into multiple parts when a document is repaginated. Inherited from Brick.
SeparableHorz Override this property to get or set the setting specifying whether the brick can be split horizontally on repagination. Inherited from Brick.
SeparableVert Override this property to get or set the setting specifying whether the brick can be split vertically on repagination. Inherited from Brick.
Size Defines the current brick’s size, in GraphicsUnit.Document measurement units. Inherited from BrickBase.
StoredId For internal use. Inherited from BrickBase.
Tag Gets or sets the object that contains additional data associated with the control. Inherited from Brick.
Target Gets or sets the target attribute assigned to this Brick and used when a Brick.Url property is specified. Inherited from Brick.
Url Specifies the link to an external resource. Inherited from Brick.
Value Gets or sets an object, containing additional information on the current brick. Inherited from Brick.

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Name Description
Clone() Creates a new BrickBase instance, which is a copy of the current instance. Inherited from BrickBase.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by Brick. Inherited from Brick.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection of bricks. Inherited from Brick.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
Initialize(PrintingSystemBase, RectangleF) Initializes a new instance of the Brick class with the specified settings. Inherited from Brick.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RemoveAttachedValue<T>(AttachedProperty<T>) Inherited from Brick.
SafeGetAttachedValue(String, Object) Obsolete. For internal use. Inherited from Brick.
SafeGetAttachedValue<T>(AttachedProperty<T>, T) For internal use. Inherited from Brick.
SafeGetAttachedValue<T>(String) Obsolete. For internal use. Inherited from Brick.
SetAttachedValue(String, Object) Obsolete. For internal use. Inherited from Brick.
SetAttachedValue<T>(AttachedProperty<T>, T, T) For internal use. Inherited from Brick.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
TryExtractAttachedValue<T>(AttachedProperty<T>, out T) For internal use. Inherited from Brick.
TryGetAttachedValue(String, out Object) Obsolete. For internal use. Inherited from Brick.
TryGetAttachedValue<T>(AttachedProperty<T>, out T) For internal use. Inherited from Brick.
UnionRect(Brick) Includes a brick specified via the parameter in the layout rectangle of the previously created EmptyBrick.
ValidatePageBottom(RectangleF, Boolean, RectangleF, IPrintingSystemContext) For internal use. Checks whether the specified brick fits the empty space on the bottom of the page, and if it doesn’t, moves it (or part of it) to the next page. Inherited from Brick.
ValidatePageRight(Single, RectangleF) Checks whether the specified brick fits the empty space on the right side of the page and if it doesn’t, moves it (or part of it) to the next page. Inherited from Brick.
See Also