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ASPxClientPopupControl.SetWindowAdaptiveMaxHeight(window, maxHeight) Method

Sets the maximum height of the specified popup window in adaptive mode.


    window: ASPxClientPopupWindow,
    maxHeight: number | string
): void


Name Type Description
window ASPxClientPopupWindow

A ASPxClientPopupWindow object representing the required popup window.

maxHeight string | number

An integer value specifying the maximum height of the popup window in adaptive mode.


The window parameter defines which popup window (stored in the ASPxPopupControl.Windows collection) should be passed to the method. You can access the required popup window using the ASPxClientPopupControl.GetWindow and ASPxClientPopupControl.GetWindowByName methods.

The PopupControlAdaptivitySettings.Mode property defines when the ASPxPopupControl is in adaptive mode.

See Also