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Grid in Batch Edit Mode

  • 10 minutes to read

In batch edit mode, ASPxGridView allows users to modify data in batches and send them to the server in one request.

ASPxGridView - Batch Edit Mode

To enable the batch edit mode, set the ASPxGridView.SettingsEditing.Mode property to Batch.

<dx:ASPxGridView ID="Grid" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="ClientGrid" ...>
    <!-- ... -->
    <SettingsEditing Mode="Batch" />

Run Demo: ASPxGridView - Batch Edit Mode

Watch Video: Batch Editing in ASPxGridView

#Edit Data in the UI

In batch edit mode, a user focuses a cell and clicks it to start editing. To change the user action that shows an editor, specify the grid’s StartEditAction property.

The image below illustrates the grid behavior when its EditMode property is set to Cell – the Grid View shows an editor for one focused cell.

ASPxGridView.BatchEditMode - CellEditMode

If you set the control’s EditMode property to Row, the grid shows in-place editors for all editable cells in a row.

ASPxGridView.BatchEditMode - RowEditMode

To insert and delete rows, the grid displays the New and Delete command buttons. To specify the visibility of these buttons, use the ShowNewButton, ShowNewButtonInHeader, and ShowDeleteButton properties.

The grid also allows users to use a keyboard to navigate through data cells and switch them to edit mode.

Key Action
Arrow Keys Move focus between cells.
Tab Moves focus to the next cell.
Shift+Tab Moves focus to the previous cell.
Enter Starts and ends editing.
F2 Starts editing.
Delete Marks the current row as deleted.

#Disable Cell/Row Editing

To prevent a user from editing a cell or row in ASPxGridView, you can set the cancel property to true in a BatchEditStartEditing event handler.

function StartEditing(s, e) {
    if (e.focusedColumn.fieldName === "Country")
        e.cancel = true;

When the control’s EditMode property is set to Row, the grid shows in-place editors for all editable cells in the row. To delete the specified cell from the range of editable cells, use the rowValues argument property in a BatchEditStartEditing event handler.

function StartEditing(s, e) {
    var columnIndex = ClientGrid.GetColumnByField('Country').index;
    delete e.rowValues[columnIndex];

#Disable Cell Focus

To prevent a user from focusing a cell, you can set the cancel property to true in a handler of the grid control’s FocusedCellChanging event.

function onFocusedCellChanging(s, e) {
    visibleRowIndex = e.cellInfo.rowVisibleIndex;
    if (e.cellInfo.column.fieldName === "Country") {
        e.cancel = true;

View Example: How to enable or disable the cell edit functionality in batch mode based on a condition

#Edit Data in Code

Use the following ASPxClientGridViewBatchEditApi members to modify data batches in code:

Member Type Description
BatchEditRowInserting Event Fires before a data row is inserted in batch edit mode.
BatchEditRowDeleting Event Fires on the client side before a data row is marked as deleted in batch edit mode.
BatchEditRowRecovering Event Fires on the client side before a data row is recovered in batch edit mode.
BatchEditStartEditing Event Fires when a cell/row switches to batch edit mode and allows you to disable cell/row editing.
BatchEditEndEditing Event Fires before a cell/row switches from edit to browse mode.
GetCellValue / GetCellValueByKey Method Gets the value of the specified cell.
IsDeletedRow / IsDeletedRowByKey Method Indicates whether the specified row is marked as deleted in batch edit mode.
IsNewRow Method Indicates whether the specified row is newly inserted.
SetCellValue / SetCellValueByKey Method Assigns a new value to the specified cell in batch edit mode.

View Example: How to implement clone functionality in batch edit mode

View Example: How to calculate values dynamically in batch edit mode

View Example: Cascading combo boxes in batch edit mode

View Example: How to use WebMethods to implement cascading combo boxes in batch edit mode

View Example: How to implement an edit item template in batch mode

#Preview Changes

In batch edit mode, ASPxGridView keeps changes on callbacks when a user interacts with unsaved modified data (for instance, when a user navigates to another page within the grid or sorts data).

If the control’s KeepChangesOnCallbacks property is enabled, the grid displays the Preview changes button in the Status Bar. When a user clicks this button, the grid shows only modified rows from all its pages.

ASPxGridView.BatchEditMode - PreviewChanges

Member Type Description
BatchEditChangesPreviewShowing Event Fires before the grid switches to Preview Changes mode.
BatchEditChangesPreviewShown Event Fires after the grid switches to Preview Changes mode.
ShowChangesPreview Method Switches the grid to Preview Changes mode.
HideChangesPreview Method Switches the grid from Preview Changes to browse mode.

#Save and Discard Changes

When a user clicks the Save changes button or you call the control’s client-side UpdateEdit method, the grid raises the BatchEditChangesSaving event. Use the insertedValues, updatedValues, and deletedValues argument properties to obtain information about modified data.

function ChangesSaving(s, e) {
    var updatedValues = e.updatedValues;
    var insertedValues = e.insertedValues;
    var deletedValues = e.deletedValues;
    // ...

Alternatively, you can call the GetUnsavedChanges method to get a hash table of inserted, updated, and deleted values.

var batchEditChanges = ClientGrid.batchEditApi.GetUnsavedChanges();

When a user clicks the Cancel changes button or you call the control’s client-side CancelEdit method, the grid raises the BatchEditChangesCanceling event.

Member Type Description
BatchUpdate Event Fires on the server side before the grid saves changes and allows you to implement custom updating rules.
BatchEditConfirmShowing Event Fires before the grid shows the Confirmation dialog box.
BatchEditRowChangesCanceling Event Fires when a user clicks a row’s Cancel button in batch edit mode.
HasChanges Method Indicates whether the grid or the specified row/cell has unsaved changes in batch edit mode.
HasChangesByKey(key) Method Indicates whether the specified row or cell has unsaved changes in batch edit mode.
ResetChanges(visibleIndex) / ResetChangesByKey(key) Method Resets changes in the specified cell.

View Example: A simple batch editing implementation

#Validate Data

To validate data in batch edit mode, the grid raises the BatchEditRowValidating event in the following cases:

In a BatchEditRowValidating event handler, you can use the validationInfo argument property to get information about the modified row. This property also allows you to define whether the data is valid and specify an error text string for invalid data cells.

function RowValidating(s, e) {
    for (var columnIndex in e.validationInfo) {
        var validationInfo = e.validationInfo[columnIndex];
        if (validationInfo.value === null) {
            validationInfo.isValid = false;
            validationInfo.errorText = "Invalid data";
Member Description
AllowValidationOnEndEdit Specifies whether to validate data when a cell/row/record switches from edit to browse mode.
AllowEndEditOnValidationError Specifies whether an editor can lose focus when validation fails.
ErrorImagePosition Gets or sets the position of the validation error image relative to the editor content.

View Example: How to implement custom date validation in batch edit mode

View Example: How to validate entered cell values on the server in batch edit mode

#Implement a Data Item Template

In batch edit mode, ASPxGridView copies only HTML markup of the template and disables its client-side functionality. When a cell switches to edit mode, the grid shows an in-place editor to modify data. When the cell value changes and the cell switches to browse mode, the grid replaces the template content with the entered value.

You can change this behavior in the following ways:

Allow the grid to render the template content after cell editing ends

To enable this behavior, set the control’s AllowRegularDataItemTemplate property to true.

<dx:ASPxGridView ID="Grid" runat="server" ...">
        <dx:GridViewDataTextColumn FieldName="TemplatedColumn" />
                <!-- ... -->
    <SettingsEditing Mode="Batch">
        <BatchEditSettings AllowRegularDataItemTemplate="true" />
Disable cell editing
In this mode, the templated cell is non-editable but the client-side functionality of the template’s UI elements is available. For more information, refer to the following topic: Data Item Template.

To get a container object in batch edit mode, call the GetCellTextContainer(visibleIndex, columnFieldNameOrId) or GetCellTextContainerByKey(key, columnFieldNameOrId) method.

View Example: How to use and modify a control placed in DataItemTemplate

#Multiple Cell Selection

In batch edit mode, ASPxGridView supports multiple cell selection.

ASPxGridView.BatchEditMode - MultipleCellSelection

Run Demo: ASPxGridView - Multiple Cell Selection

To enable this functionality, set the grid’s EnableMultipleCellSelection property to true.

When the cell selection changes, the grid raises the CellSelectionChanging event. You can get the current selection state of the processed cell in a handler of this event and cancel the selection change.

Call the SelectCell(visibleIndex, rowIndex) or UnselectCell(visibleIndex, rowIndex) method to select or deselect a cell.

#Customize the Grid Appearance and Layout

In batch edit mode, ASPxGridView highlights modified cells, as well as inserted and deleted rows.

The table below lists the properties that allow you to customize the grid appearance in batch edit mode.

Member Description
HighlightDeletedRows Specifies whether the grid highlights deleted rows.
BatchEditModifiedCell Specifies the appearance of modified data cells.
BatchEditModifiedCellStyle Specifies the appearance of the column’s modified data cells.
BatchEditNewRow Specifies the appearance of inserted rows.
BatchEditDeletedRow Specifies the appearance of deleted rows.
BatchEditChangesPreviewGroupRow Specifies the appearance of group rows when the grid is in Preview Changes mode.
FocusedCell Specifies the appearance of the focused data cell.

View Example: How to modify cell styles dynamically in Batch Edit mode

#Display a Custom Toolbar

ASPxGridView allows you to control the visibility of the Status Bar where the grid displays the Preview changes, Save changes, and Cancel changes buttons. You can set the ShowStatusBar property to Hidden to hide the Status Bar and create a custom toolbar with command buttons. To display the toolbar in Preview Changes mode, enable the item’s VisibleInBatchEditPreviewChanges property.

ASPxGridView.BatchEditMode - CustomToolbar

            <dx:GridViewToolbarItem Text="Edit commands" Command="Custom"
                    <dx:GridViewToolbarItem Command="PreviewChanges" />
                    <dx:GridViewToolbarItem Command="HidePreview" />
                    <dx:GridViewToolbarItem Command="Update" />
                    <dx:GridViewToolbarItem Command="Cancel" />
<Settings ShowStatusBar="Hidden" />

View Example: How to implement custom buttons in the status bar in batch edit mode


In batch edit mode, ASPxGridView has the following limitations:

#Unsupported features

  • Cell merge.
  • The date range functionality of embedded date editors when the grid’s EditMode property is set to Cell.
  • Tabular navigation through non-editable cells (for instance, group row cells or expand buttons).

#Unsupported Server-Side API

#Unsupported Client-Side API