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ASPxClientGridViewBatchEditApi.HasChanges Method

Indicates whether the grid or the specified row/cell has unsaved changes in batch edit mode.


    visibleIndex?: number,
    columnFieldNameOrId?: string
): boolean


Name Type Description
visibleIndex number

The row’s visible index.

columnFieldNameOrId string

The field name or unique identifier (the Name property value) of the column.


Type Description

true if the grid or the specified row/cell has unsaved changes; otherwise, false.


Call the client-side HasChanges method to identify whether the grid or the specified row/cell contains unsaved changes.

<dx:ASPxGridView ID="Grid" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ClientInstanceName="ClientGrid">
        <dx:GridViewDataTextColumn FieldName="Country" />
    <SettingsEditing Mode="Batch" />
// Indicates whether the grid contains unsaved changes

// Indicates whether the row with the '0' visible index contains unsaved changes

// Indicates whether the row with the '0' visible index contains changes in the 'Country' column
ClientGrid.batchEditApi.HasChanges(0, 'Country');

For more information on the grid in batch edit mode, refer to the following topic: ASPxGridView - Batch Edit Mode.

See Also