Save and Restore Client Layout
- 2 minutes to read
ASPxGridView allows you to save the following layout information to a database and then restore it:
- column visible positions;
- Grid and column width
- Grid appearance settings
- Filter, group, sort, and pager information
Use the ASPxGridView.SettingsCookies property to specify which ASPxGridView layout information to save.
#Save Layout Automatically
Set the ASPxGridCookiesSettings.Enabled property to true
to save a grid layout to cookies automatically.
<dx:ASPxGridView ID="ASPxGridView1" runat="server">
<SettingsCookies Enabled="true" />
#Save and Restore Layout Manually
The ASPxGridBase.ClientLayout event allows you to save a grid’s layout each time a user changes it and restore this layout on the first page load. Use the event’s ASPxClientLayoutArgs.LayoutMode property to specify whether to save or restore the grid’s layout.
The grid requires a round trip to the server (a callback) to raise the ASPx
This example shows how to save or restore the ASPxGridView layout to or from a data store.
protected void ASPxGridView1_ClientLayout(object sender,
DevExpress.Web.ASPxClientLayoutArgs e) {
if (e.LayoutMode == DevExpress.Web.ClientLayoutMode.Saving) {
SaveUserLayoutToDatabase(userID, "AccountGrid", e.LayoutData);
else {
if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileName))
e.LayoutData = RestoreUserLayoutFromDatabase(userID, "AccountGrid");
The following two methods enable you to save and restore the grid layout:
- ASPxGridBase.SaveClientLayout
- Returns a string that contains the grid’s layout data.
- ASPxGridBase.LoadClientLayout
- Restores the grid’s layout from a specified string that contains its layout data.
The example below shows how to save and restore the previously saved layout manually. When a user clicks the Save Layout or Load Layout button, the grid calls the ASPxClientGridView.PerformCallback method to send a callback to the server. This method raises the server-side ASPxGridView.CustomCallback event. Handle this event to save or restore the grid’s layout.
protected void ASPxGridView1_CustomCallback(object sender,
DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridViewCustomCallbackEventArgs e) {
if (e.Parameters == "save") {
SaveUserLayoutToDatabase("userID", "GridLayout", ASPxGridView1.SaveClientLayout());
if (e.Parameters == "load") {
ASPxGridView1.LoadClientLayout(GetUserLayoutFromDatabase("userID", "GridLayout"));