TopMarginBand Members
A report band used to display information at the top margin of every report page. The End User Report Designer does not allow you to remove this band from a report.Constructors
Name | Description |
TopMarginBand() | Initializes a new instance of the TopMarginBand class with the default settings. |
Name | Description |
BackColor | Gets or sets a control’s background color. Inherited from XRControl. |
Band | Provides access to the owner band, in which the current control is situated. Inherited from XRControl. |
BorderColor | Gets or sets the control’s border color. Inherited from XRControl. |
BorderDashStyle | Specifies the dash style for the control’s border. Inherited from XRControl. |
Borders | Specifies a set of borders (top, right, bottom, left) that should be visible for the control. Inherited from XRControl. |
BorderWidth | Specifies the width of cell borders in pixels, as a floating point value. Inherited from XRControl. |
CanHaveChildren | Overrides the XRControl.CanHaveChildren property. Inherited from Band. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
Controls | Gets the collection of XRControl objects or their descendants that are contained in this control. Inherited from XRControl. |
DesignMode protected | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component. |
EvenStyleName | Gets or sets the style applied to the control when it displays an even record from the bound data source. Inherited from XRControl. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
Expanded | For internal use. Inherited from MarginBand. |
ExpressionBindings | Provides access to a control’s collection of expression bindings. Inherited from XRControl. |
Font | Gets or sets the control’s font. Inherited from XRControl. |
ForeColor | Gets or sets the control’s foreground color. Inherited from XRControl. |
FormattingRules | Provides access to a collection of formatting rules applied to this control. Inherited from XRControl. |
HasChildren | Gets a value indicating whether the control contains other XRControl objects. Inherited from XRControl. |
HeightF | Specifies the band’s height (measured in report units). Inherited from Band. |
Index | Gets the zero-based index of this control in its parent’s collection of controls. Inherited from XRControl. |
IsDisposed | For internal use. Gets a value indicating whether the control has been disposed of. Inherited from XRControl. |
IsSingleChild | Checks whether the report element (control or band) is a single child of its parent. Inherited from XRControl. |
LockedInUserDesigner | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether this control can be changed by an end-user in the End-User Designer. Inherited from XRControl. |
Name | Gets or sets a name of the control. Inherited from XRControl. |
OddStyleName | Gets or sets the style applied to the control when it displays an odd record from the bound data source. Inherited from XRControl. |
Padding | Gets or sets the control’s padding values (measured in report units). Inherited from XRControl. |
Parent | Specifies the parent object that contains the current control. Inherited from XRControl. |
Report | Provides access to the report that contains the control. Inherited from XRControl. |
RootReport | Provides access to the report to which the control belongs. Inherited from XRControl. |
Scripts | Provides access to an object that contains Band-specific scripts to handle its events in the End-User Designer. Inherited from Band. |
Site | Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component. |
SnapLinePadding | Specifies the band’s inner indents to be maintained when report elements are aligned to the band’s edges using snap lines. Inherited from Band. |
StyleName | Gets or sets the name of the style, which is applied to the current control. Inherited from XRControl. |
StylePriority | Allows you to specify properties whose values for an individual control have priority over the same properties specified for the style assigned to the control. Inherited from XRControl. |
Styles | Gets a set of styles for the control. Inherited from XRControl. |
Tag | Bindable. Gets or sets the object that contains data about this control. Inherited from XRControl. |
TextAlignment | Specifies the positioning of text within a control. Inherited from XRControl. |
Visible | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the report control is displayed in the document. Inherited from XRControl. |
Name | Description |
AllControls<T>() | Returns a collection that contains all controls found within XRControl (within a report). Inherited from XRControl. |
BringToFront() | Brings the control to the front of the z-order. Inherited from XRControl. |
CreateObjRef(Type) | Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
Dispose() | Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
FindControl(String, Boolean) | Finds the control that has the specified name in the XRControl.Controls collection. Inherited from XRControl. |
GetEffectiveBackColor() | Returns the color actually used as the control’s background color. Inherited from XRControl. |
GetEffectiveBorderColor() | Returns the color actually used as the control’s border color. Inherited from XRControl. |
GetEffectiveBorderDashStyle() | Returns the border dash style that is actually used by the control. Inherited from XRControl. |
GetEffectiveBorders() | Returns the borders settings actually used as the control’s borders settings. Inherited from XRControl. |
GetEffectiveBorderWidth() | Returns the border width settings actually used as the control’s current settings. Inherited from XRControl. |
GetEffectiveFont() | Returns the font actually used as the control’s font. Inherited from XRControl. |
GetEffectiveForeColor() | Returns the color actually used as the control’s foreground color. Inherited from XRControl. |
GetEffectivePadding() | Returns the padding values actually used as the control’s padding. Inherited from XRControl. |
GetEffectiveStyle() | Returns the actual visual style of a control taking into account all formatting rules and odd/even styles applied to the control. Inherited from XRControl. |
GetEffectiveTextAlignment() | Returns the text alignment actually used as the control’s text alignment. Inherited from XRControl. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetLifetimeService() | Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
GetService(Type) protected | Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
InitializeLifetimeService() | Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
PerformLayout() | Forces the control to apply layout logic to itself and all its child controls. Inherited from XRControl. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
RemoveInvalidBindings(Predicate<XRBinding>) | Removes inappropriate bindings assigned to the XRControl‘s properties. Inherited from XRControl. |
ResetBackColor() | Resets the XRControl.BackColor property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl. |
ResetBorderColor() | Resets the XRControl.BorderColor property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl. |
ResetBorderDashStyle() | Resets the XRControl.BorderDashStyle property to en empty value. Inherited from XRControl. |
ResetBorders() | Resets the XRControl.Borders property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl. |
ResetBorderWidth() | Resets the XRControl.BorderWidth property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl. |
ResetFont() | Resets the XRControl.Font property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl. |
ResetForeColor() | Resets the XRControl.ForeColor property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl. |
ResetPadding() | Resets the XRControl.Padding property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl. |
ResetTextAlignment() | Resets the XRControl.TextAlignment property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl. |
ResumeLayout() | Resumes normal layout logic for the control. Inherited from XRControl. |
SendToBack() | Sends the control to the back of the z-order. Inherited from XRControl. |
SuspendLayout() | Temporarily suspends the layout logic for the control. Inherited from XRControl. |
ToImage() | The method is not implemented. Inherited from Band. |
ToImage(DXTextRenderingHint) | The method is not implemented. Inherited from Band. |
ToString() | Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component. |
Name | Description |
AfterPrint | Occurs after an XRControl object is displayed in the report. Inherited from XRControl. |
BeforePrint | Occurs before an XRControl object creates its image in a report being generated. Inherited from XRControl. |
Disposed | Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component. |
Draw | Overrides the XRControl.Draw event. Inherited from Band. |
EvaluateBinding | Overrides the XRControl.EvaluateBinding event to hide it. Inherited from Band. |
HeightChanged | Occurs when the band height is changed. Inherited from Band. |
HtmlItemCreated | Overrides the XRControl.HtmlItemCreated event. Inherited from Band. |
LocationChanged | Overrides the XRControl.LocationChanged event. Inherited from Band. |
ParentChanged | Overrides the XRControl.ParentChanged event. Inherited from Band. |
PreviewClick | Hides the inappropriate XRControl.PreviewClick event of the parent XRControl class. Inherited from Band. |
PreviewDoubleClick | Hides the inappropriate XRControl.PreviewDoubleClick event of the parent XRControl class. Inherited from Band. |
PreviewMouseDown | Hides the inappropriate XRControl.PreviewMouseDown event of the parent XRControl class. Inherited from Band. |
PreviewMouseMove | Hides the inappropriate XRControl.PreviewMouseMove event of the parent XRControl class. Inherited from Band. |
PreviewMouseUp | Hides the inappropriate XRControl.PreviewMouseUp event of the parent XRControl class. Inherited from Band. |
PrintOnPage | Overrides the XRControl.PrintOnPage event to hide it. Inherited from Band. |
SizeChanged | Overrides the XRControl.SizeChanged event. Inherited from Band. |
TextChanged | Overrides the XRControl.TextChanged event. Inherited from Band. |
See Also