Create Reports in the Visual Studio Report Designer
- 2 minutes to read
This section contains tutorials that explain how to create different reports.
#Basic Reports
#Reports with Hierarchical Data
#Master-Detail Reports
You can create a master-detail report using subreports without writing code. For this, configure a subreport to load child data from its own data source and filter the loaded data by master key. For more information, review the following help topic: Create a Master-Detail Report with a Subreport in the VS Report Designer.
If a master-child record relationship is already defined in the master report, you can use DetailReportBand. In this case, child records are assigned to the Detail Report band automatically. For more information, review the following help topic: Create a Master-Detail Report with a Detail Report Band in the VS Report Designer.
#Hierarchical Reports
#Invoice Reports
#Cross-Tab Reports
#Multi-Column Reports
#Interactive Reports
You can also add interactive elements to your report to customize it in Print Preview:
See the Provide Interactivity section for information on how to provide drill-down and drill-through functionality in your reports.
See Use Report Parameters for instructions on how to submit parameter values in Print Preview to customize your reports.
#Reports with Charts
See the Reports with Charts tutorial for instructions on how to create a report with charts.
#Report Inheritance
Refer to the Inherited Reports tutorial for instructions on how to create and customize a report that inherits settings from another DevExpress report.
#Layout Features
- Reports with Cross-Band Content and Populated Empty Space
- Reports with PDF content
- Reports with a Visual PDF Signature
#Create Reports in the End-User Report Designer
Tutorials that explain how to create different reports in EUD Report Designers for WinForms and Web are included in the End-User Documentation online help section: