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XRCrossBandBox Class

A box that can be drawn across several report bands.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraReports.UI

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Reporting.Core


public class XRCrossBandBox :


The XRCrossBandBox control allows you to draw rectangles across several bands (as opposed to the XRLine, XRShape and XRPanel controls, which can be used only within a single band). You can use the XRCrossBandBox control to highlight a report section that spans across multiple bands.

Drag the XRCrossBandBox item from the DX.24.2: Report Controls tab and drop the item onto the report area to add a cross-band box to a report.

Cross Band Box Drag and Drop

Place the control’s start and end in complementary bands that appear on each page of the document. The following bands are complementary:

In other cases, the control’s behavior can differ from an expected result. In the error list, an XRE040 warning message appears as you design or preview a report. For more information, review the following help topic: Errors, Warnings, and Information Messages.

Create a Cross-Band Box in Code

The following example creates a cross-band box in code:

using DevExpress.XtraReports.UI;

// Create a report with "Detail", "TopMargin", and "BottomMargin" bands.
XtraReport report = new XtraReport() {
    Bands = {
        new DetailBand(),
        new TopMarginBand(),
        new BottomMarginBand()

// Create a cross-band box.
XRCrossBandBox crossBandBox = new XRCrossBandBox() {
    // Specify start/end bands.
    StartBand = report.Bands[BandKind.TopMargin],
    EndBand = report.Bands[BandKind.BottomMargin],
    // Specify start/end points.
    StartPointF = new DevExpress.Utils.PointFloat(0F, 0F),
    EndPointF = new DevExpress.Utils.PointFloat(0F, 100F),
    // Customize a style.
    WidthF = 100F

// Add the box to the report's cross-band controls.


  • The Expression bindings mode is not supported. Although bindings are available, they are not processed and have no effect. To solve your task, handle the report’s BeforePrint event.

  • If you do not place a cross-band box on paired bands, the box can be displayed incorrectly in the report document.
  • A cross-band box cannot start/end on a vertical band.
  • If the thickness of a cross-band box is less than 0.5 pixels, the box is not included in export files that have the following formats:
  • Setting CanShrink for a control that the XRCrossBandBox control overlaps has no effect because the XRCrossBandBox control does not shrink. In a table, consider using table borders instead of the XRCrossBandBox control.


See Also