DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.PivotGrid Namespace
Contains classes that implement the functionality of the Pivot Grid control in DevExpress Reports.
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Reporting.Core
Name | Description |
DataSourceColumnBinding | |
DifferenceBinding | |
ExpressionDataBinding | |
MovingCalculationBinding | |
PercentOfTotalBinding | |
PivotCustomColumnWidthEventArgs | Provides data for the XRPivotGrid.CustomColumnWidth event. |
PivotCustomRowHeightEventArgs | Provides data for the XRPivotGrid.CustomRowHeight event. |
PivotFieldValueEventArgs | The base for the PivotCustomRowHeightEventArgs class. |
RankBinding | |
RunningTotalBinding | |
WindowExpressionBinding | |
XRPivotGridAppearances | Provides the appearance settings used to print a pivot grid. |
XRPivotGridCustomTotal | A custom total that can be calculated for an outer column field or row field. |
XRPivotGridCustomTotalCollection | A collection of custom totals for a field. |
XRPivotGridField | Represents a field within the XRPivotGrid control. |
XRPivotGridFieldCollection | Represents a field collection for the XRPivotGrid control. |
XRPivotGridFieldOptions | Contains options for the XRPivotGrid‘s field. |
XRPivotGridOptionsData | |
XRPivotGridOptionsPrint | Provides print options for the XRPivotGrid control. |
XRPivotGridOptionsView | Provides display options for the XRPivotGrid control. |
XRPivotGridStyles | Represents the container of styles which determine the appearance of XRPivotGrid‘s elements. |
XRPrefilter | A prefilter editor that allows users to customize filter criteria at runtime. |