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ProcessDuplicatesMode Enum

Lists modes that specify how to process report controls with duplicate values.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraReports.UI

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Reporting.Core


public enum ProcessDuplicatesMode


Name Description

Leaves all controls with identical values as is.


Merges controls with consecutive identical values into a single control. Note that this mode ignores controls with null values. Use the control’s ProcessNullValues property to process controls with null values.


Removes all controls with consecutive identical values except the first control. Substitutes the removed controls with blank space.


Does the same as the Suppress mode and then shrinks blank space. Note that this mode cannot be used for intersecting controls and vertical bands.

#Related API Members


The sample report screenshots below show how different duplicate processing modes are applied to the XRLabel control in the Country column.

Note that if there are no controls on a band after duplicate values are removed, the band is not printed.

In the previous images, all the values of the second and third table row are the same. After the duplicates on the third line are removed, the band is empty. Although the duplicate processing mode is set to Suppress, the band is not printed.

See Also