VGridAppearanceCollection Properties
Provides the appearance settings used to paint elements in a vertical grid.Name | Description |
BandBorder | Provides appearance settings used to paint the borders of a Band. |
Caption | |
Category | Provides appearance settings used to paint Category Rows. |
CategoryExpandButton | Provides appearance settings used to paint Category Expand Buttons. |
DisabledRecordValue | Provides appearance settings used to paint values of disabled rows. |
DisabledRow | Provides appearance settings used to paint the headers of disabled rows. |
Empty | Provides appearance settings used to paint the empty area of the control. |
ExpandButton | Provides appearance settings used to paint Expand Buttons. |
FilterPanel | Provides access to the appearance settings used to paint the filter panel (shown when a filter is applied to the data, allowing end-users to customize the filter). |
FixedLine | Provides access to the appearance settings used to paint fixed row dividers. |
FocusedCell | Provides appearance settings used to paint the currently focused cell. |
FocusedRecord | Provides appearance settings used to paint cells that belong to the focused record. |
FocusedRow | Provides appearance settings used to paint the header of the focused row. |
HideSelectionRow | Provides appearance settings used to paint the header of the focused row when the control is not focused. |
HorzLine | Provides appearance settings used to paint horizontal lines that separate the control’s rows. |
IsDisposed | Gets whether the current object has been disposed of. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection. |
IsLoading | Indicates whether the grid control that owns the current collection is being initialized. |
ModifiedRecordValue | Provides appearance settings used to paint modified values in a PropertyGridControl. |
ModifiedRow |
Provides appearance settings used to paint the headers of rows that contain modified values. This property is only in effect for the PropertyGridControl control. |
PressedRow | Provides appearance settings used to paint the headers of pressed rows. |
ReadOnlyRecordValue | Provides access to appearance settings used to paint values of read-only rows. |
ReadOnlyRow | Provides access to appearance settings used to paint headers of read-only rows. |
RecordValue | Provides the default appearance settings used to paint values of regular rows. |
RowHeaderPanel | Provides appearance settings used to paint the Row Header Panel. |
SelectedCategory | Contains appearance settings used to paint selected category rows in multiple row selection mode (MultiSelectMode.RowSelect). |
SelectedCell | Contains appearance settings used to paint selected cells in multiple cell selection mode (MultiSelectMode.CellSelect). |
SelectedRecord | Contains appearance settings used to paint selected records in multiple record selection mode (MultiSelectMode.RecordSelect). |
SelectedRow | Contains appearance settings used to paint selected rows in multiple row selection mode (MultiSelectMode.RowSelect). |
VertLine | Provides appearance settings used to paint vertical lines that separate the control’s columns. |
See Also