RichEditControl.BookmarkFormShowing Event
Occurs before the Bookmark dialog is invoked.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.v24.2.dll
Event Data
The BookmarkFormShowing event's data class is BookmarkFormShowingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:
Property | Description |
ControllerParameters | Gets the information for initializing the Bookmark dialog controls. |
DialogResult | Gets or sets the return value of a dialog box. Inherited from ShowFormEventArgs. |
Handled | Gets or sets whether an event was handled. If it was handled, the default actions are not required. Inherited from ShowFormEventArgs. |
Parent | Gets or sets a parent of the form being shown. Inherited from ShowFormEventArgs. |
Handle the BookmarkFormShowing event to perform any actions prior to the Bookmark dialog being shown. For example, you can substitute the standard dialog with a custom one, and set the ShowFormEventArgs.Handled property to true, to prevent default event handling.
See Also