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RichEditControl.HyperlinkClick Event

Occurs when an end-user clicks the hyperlink to activate it.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.v24.2.dll


public event HyperlinkClickEventHandler HyperlinkClick

Event Data

The HyperlinkClick event's data class is HyperlinkClickEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Alt Indicates whether the ALT key was pressed.
Control Indicates whether the CTRL key was pressed.
Handled Gets or sets whether the default action associated with the hyperlink click is required.
Hyperlink Gets a clicked hyperlink.
ModifierKeys Determines which modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT) were pressed to activate a hyperlink.
Shift Indicates whether the SHIFT key was pressed.


Handle this event to perform a custom action that depends on hyperlink properties. By default, activating a hyperlink results in navigating to the location specified by the Hyperlink.NavigateUri or the Hyperlink.Anchor property values.

In the code sample below, this event handler is used to invoke a form with the data list. The end-user can select the item from the pop-up list and it automatically replaces the hyperlink content. Refer to the How to: Handle the HyperlinkClick Event to Invoke the Custom Form for a complete example.

public Hyperlink activeLink;
void OnHyperlinkClick(object sender, HyperlinkClickEventArgs e)
    activeLink = e.Hyperlink;
    SelectProductForm form = new SelectProductForm(products);
    // Set the Commit event handler:
    form.Commit += OnProductFormCommit;
    // Set the Range property to the hyperlink range:
    form.Range =  activeLink.Range;
    // Set the Location property to specify the location where the form is going to be invoked:  
    form.Location = GetFormLocation();
    e.Handled = true;            

// This method places the form to the right of the cursor position: 
Point GetFormLocation()
    DocumentPosition position = this.richEditControl1.Document.CaretPosition;
    Rectangle rect = this.richEditControl1.GetBoundsFromPosition(position);
    Point location = new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom);
    Point localPoint = Units.DocumentsToPixels(location, this.richEditControl1.DpiX, this.richEditControl1.DpiY);
    return this.richEditControl1.PointToScreen(localPoint);
See Also