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How to: Customize the Find and Replace Dialog in Rich Text Editor for WinForms

This example demonstrates how handle the RichEditControl.SearchFormShowing event to replace the standard Find and Replace dialog with a custom dialog.

private void richEditControl1_SearchFormShowing(object sender, SearchFormShowingEventArgs e)
    string curWord = richEditControl.Document.GetText(richEditControl.Document.Selection);
    using (MySearchTextForm form = new MySearchTextForm(e.ControllerParameters, curWord))
        e.DialogResult = form.ShowDialog();
        e.Handled = true;
using System.Drawing;
using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.Forms;

namespace CustomDialogs
    public partial class MySearchTextForm : SearchTextForm
        public MySearchTextForm(SearchFormControllerParameters controllerParameters, string searchWord)
            : base(controllerParameters)
            lblFndDirection.Location = new Point (lblFndDirection.Location.X - 10, lblFndDirection.Location.Y);
            lblFndDirection.Text = "Direction:";
            cbFndSearchString.Text = searchWord;
            chbFndRegex.Enabled = false;