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PopupMenuShowingEventArgs.Menu Property

Gets or sets the popup menu that is about to be displayed.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGrid.v23.2.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Grid, DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public GridViewMenu Menu { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

The menu that is about to be displayed.


The Menu property allows you to add, remove and customize items in the currently processed popup menu. To identify the type of the menu, use PopupMenuShowingEventArgs.MenuType.

The Data Grid does not display empty popup menus. Thus, if you remove all items from the menu, this menu will not be displayed after your PopupMenuShowing event handler is complete.

When you right-click within a row or group row, the Data Grid creates an empty menu and fires the PopupMenuShowing event (the event’s PopupMenuShowingEventArgs.MenuType parameter is set to Row). If you leave this menu intact (empty), it will not be displayed. To add new menu items to this and other menus, use the Menu.Items.Add method. See an example below.

To access the existing menu items, you can iterate through the Menu.Items collection, or use the Menu.Find and Menu.FindAll methods. To hide or remove certain menu items, use the Menu.Hide and Menu.Remove methods. When searching for a target menu item, you need to know the menu item identifier, which you can find by reading the item’s DXMenuItem.Tag property. You can also see the Menu Item Identifiers section below to learn the available menu item identifiers for the built-in menus.

The menu items can be the following objects:

Use these objects’ settings to change item captions, images, visibility, enabled state, etc.

The DXMenuItem.Tag properties store the menu item identifiers for the default menu items.

When you create a custom menu item, use the item’s DXMenuItem.Tag property to store any custom data with which you may need to identify the item or process the item’s click event.

The four tables below show the menu item identifiers (contents of the DXMenuItem.Tag properties) in Data Grid’s built-in menus.

Column Header Menu (DevExpress.XtraGrid.Menu.GridViewColumnMenu)


When handling the PopupMenuShowing and GridMenuItemClick events, you can identify this menu type using the e.MenuType event parameter, which is set to GridMenuType.Column

The Tag properties of the items in this menu can be the following objects:

  • DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId

  • DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.StringId

  • GridGroupSummaryItem

  • DevExpress.XtraGrid.ColumnGroupInterval

Menu Item


Full Expand


Full Collapse


Sort Ascending


Sort Descending


Sort by Summary (sub-menu)


The Tag properties of this submenu’s items contain GridGroupSummaryItem objects, which identify corresponding summary functions.

Group By This Column




Hide Group By Box


Show Group By Box




Remove Split


Group Interval (sub-menu)










Group Summary Editor…


Hide This Column


Column Chooser


Best Fit


Best Fit (all columns)


Filter Editor…


Show Find Panel


Hide Find Panel


Show Auto Filter Row


Hide Auto Filter Row


Conditional Formatting (sub-menu)


    Highlight Cell Rules (sub-menu)


        Greater Than…


        Less Than…




        Equal To…


        Text that Contains…


        A Date Occurring…


        Custom Condition…


    Top/Bottom Rules (sub-menu)


        Top 10 Items…


        Bottom 10 Items…


    Unique/Duplicate Rules (sub-menu)


        Unique Values…


        Duplicate Values…


    Manage Rules…


Show Footer


Hide Footer


Group Panel Menu (DevExpress.XtraGrid.Menu.GridViewGroupPanelMenu)

GroupPanel - Context menu1

When handling the PopupMenuShowing and GridMenuItemClick events, you can identify this menu type using the e.MenuType event parameter, which is set to GridMenuType.Group

The Tag properties of the items in this menu contain DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId enumeration values.

Menu Item Tag
Full Expand DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuGroupPanelFullExpand
Full Collapse DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuGroupPanelFullCollapse
Clear Grouping DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuGroupPanelClearGrouping
Hide Group By Box DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuColumnGroupBox
Split DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuShowSplitItem
Remove Split DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuHideSplitItem


The e.Menu.Remove method (PopupMenuShowing event) accepts DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId as a parameter. The method does not work for menu items with dynamic names (for example, “Group Panel Hide”, “Group Panel Show”).

// This code has no effect.
// This code works as expected.

Summary Menu (DevExpress.XtraGrid.Menu.GridViewFooterMenu)


When handling the PopupMenuShowing and GridMenuItemClick events, you can identify this menu type using the e.MenuType event parameter, which is set to GridMenuType.Summary

The Tag properties of the items in this menu contain DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId enumeration values.

Menu Item Tag
Add New Summary (sub-menu) DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuFooterAddSummaryItem
Sum DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuFooterSum
Min DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuFooterMin
Max DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuFooterMax
Count DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuFooterCount
Average DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuFooterAverage
None DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuFooterNone
Clear Summary Items DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridStringId.MenuFooterClearSummaryItems

Auto Filter Row Menu


When handling the PopupMenuShowing and GridMenuItemClick events, you can identify this menu type using the e.MenuType event parameter, which is set to GridMenuType.AutoFilter.

The Tag properties of the items in this menu contain DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition enumeration values.

Menu Item Tag
Clear Filter null
Equals DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition.Equals
Does not equal DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition.DoesNotEqual
Contains DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition.Contains
Does not contain DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition.DoesNotContain
Is like DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition.Like
Is not like DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition.NotLike
Begins with DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition.BeginsWith
Ends with DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition.EndsWith
Is greater than DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition.Greater
Is greater than or equal to DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition.GreaterOrEqual
Is less than DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition.Less
Is less than or equal to DevExpress.XtraEditors.ColumnAutoFilterCondition.LessOrEqual


This example demonstrates how to handle the GridView.PopupMenuShowing event to create a custom popup menu and display it within the WinForms Data Grid control.

Custom Context Menu - WinForms Data Grid, DevExpress

The menu is displayed when the user right-clicks within a data row or group row. The menu includes:


The example displays SVG images within menu items. Drop the SvgImageCollection component onto your Form (svgImageCollection1) and add two SVG icons to the collection (at design time).

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid;
using DevExpress.Utils.Menu;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;

namespace DXApplication8 {
    public partial class Form1 : XtraForm {
        public Form1() {
            gridView1.PopupMenuShowing += GridView1_PopupMenuShowing;

        private void GridView1_PopupMenuShowing(object sender, PopupMenuShowingEventArgs e) {
            GridView view = sender as GridView;
            if (e.MenuType == GridMenuType.Row) {
                int rowHandle = e.HitInfo.RowHandle;
                // Deletes existing menu items, if any.
                // Adds the 'Rows' submenu with the 'Delete Row' command to the context menu.
                e.Menu.Items.Add(CreateSubMenuRows(view, rowHandle));
                // Adds the 'Cell Merging' check item to the context menu.
                DXMenuItem item = CreateMenuItemCellMerging(view, rowHandle);
                item.BeginGroup = true;
        DXMenuItem CreateSubMenuRows(GridView view, int rowHandle) {
            DXSubMenuItem subMenu = new DXSubMenuItem("Rows");
            string deleteRowsCommandCaption;
            if (view.IsGroupRow(rowHandle))
                deleteRowsCommandCaption = "&Delete rows in this group";
                deleteRowsCommandCaption = "&Delete this row";

            // Drop the 'svgImageCollection' component onto the Form1 and add two SVG icons to the collection.
            DXMenuItem menuItemDeleteRow = new DXMenuItem(deleteRowsCommandCaption, new EventHandler(OnDeleteRowClick), svgImageCollection1[1], DXMenuItemPriority.Normal);
            menuItemDeleteRow.Tag = new RowInfo(view, rowHandle);
            menuItemDeleteRow.Enabled = view.IsDataRow(rowHandle) || view.IsGroupRow(rowHandle);
            return subMenu;

        DXMenuCheckItem CreateMenuItemCellMerging(GridView view, int rowHandle) {
            DXMenuCheckItem checkItem = new DXMenuCheckItem("Cell &Merging",
              view.OptionsView.AllowCellMerge, null, new EventHandler(OnCellMergingClick));
            checkItem.Tag = new RowInfo(view, rowHandle);
            checkItem.ImageOptions.SvgImage = svgImageCollection1[0];
            return checkItem;

        void OnDeleteRowClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            DXMenuItem menuItem = sender as DXMenuItem;
            RowInfo ri = menuItem.Tag as RowInfo;
            if (ri != null) {
                string message = menuItem.Caption.Replace("&", "");
                if (XtraMessageBox.Show(message + " ?", "Confirm the operation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes)

        void OnCellMergingClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            DXMenuCheckItem item = sender as DXMenuCheckItem;
            RowInfo info = item.Tag as RowInfo;
            info.View.OptionsView.AllowCellMerge = item.Checked;

        class RowInfo {
            public RowInfo(GridView view, int rowHandle) {
                RowHandle = rowHandle;
                View = view;
            public GridView View;
            public int RowHandle;


The following code handles the GridView.PopupMenuShowing event to change predefined commands in the Data Grid’s Column Header Menu:

  • Captions of the “Sort Ascending” and “Sort Descending” commands are replaced with custom strings.
  • A few commands are hidden.
  • Two “Best Fit” commands are disabled.


using DevExpress.Utils.Menu;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid;

private void gridView1_PopupMenuShowing(object sender, PopupMenuShowingEventArgs e) {
    if(e.MenuType == GridMenuType.Column) {
        string sortAsc = "A to Z";
        string sortDesc = "Z to A";
        if (e.HitInfo.Column.ColumnType == typeof(DateTime)) {
            sortAsc = "Old to New";
            sortDesc = "New to Old";
        DXMenuItem itemAsc = e.Menu.Find(GridStringId.MenuColumnSortAscending); // "Sort Ascending"
        if (itemAsc != null)
            itemAsc.Caption = sortAsc;

        DXMenuItem itemDesc = e.Menu.Find(GridStringId.MenuColumnSortDescending); // "Sort Descending"
        if (itemDesc != null)
            itemDesc.Caption = sortDesc;

        e.Menu.Hide(GridStringId.MenuFooterHide); //"Hide Footer"
        e.Menu.Hide(GridStringId.MenuColumnFilterEditor); // "Filter Editor..."
        e.Menu.Hide(GridStringId.MenuColumnFindFilterShow); // "Show Find Panel"
        e.Menu.Hide(GridStringId.MenuColumnFindFilterHide); // "Hide Find Panel"
        e.Menu.Hide(GridStringId.MenuColumnAutoFilterRowHide); // "Hide Auto Filter Row"
        e.Menu.Hide(GridStringId.MenuColumnAutoFilterRowShow); // "Show Auto Filter Row"

        DXMenuItem itemBestFit = e.Menu.Find(GridStringId.MenuColumnBestFit); // "Best Fit"
        if (itemBestFit != null)
            itemBestFit.Enabled = false;

        DXMenuItem itemBestFitAll = e.Menu.Find(GridStringId.MenuColumnBestFitAllColumns); // "Best Fit All Columns"
        if (itemBestFitAll != null)
            itemBestFitAll.Enabled = false;


The following sample code handles the GridView.PopupMenuShowing event to customize the column header context menu before it is displayed. The code clears default menu items and adds a new command that locks a clicked column’s position.


using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Menu;
using DevExpress.Utils.Menu;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns; 
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid;
// ...
private void bandedGridView1_PopupMenuShowing(object sender, PopupMenuShowingEventArgs e) {
    if(e.MenuType == GridMenuType.Column) {
        GridViewColumnMenu menu = e.Menu as GridViewColumnMenu;
        if(menu.Column != null) {
            menu.Items.Add(CreateCheckItem("Lock this column", menu.Column, null));

// Creates a menu item.
DXMenuCheckItem CreateCheckItem(string caption, GridColumn column, Image image) {
    DXMenuCheckItem item = new DXMenuCheckItem(caption, 
      !column.OptionsColumn.AllowMove, image, new EventHandler(OnCanMoveItemClick));
    item.Tag = new MenuColumnInfo(column);
    return item;

// Menu item click handler.
void OnCanMoveItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    DXMenuCheckItem item = sender as DXMenuCheckItem;
    MenuColumnInfo info = item.Tag as MenuColumnInfo;
    if(info == null) return;
    info.Column.OptionsColumn.AllowMove = !item.Checked;

class MenuColumnInfo {
    public MenuColumnInfo(GridColumn column) {
        this.Column = column;               
    public GridColumn Column;

The following code snippet (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contains a reference to the Menu property.


The algorithm used to collect these code examples remains a work in progress. Accordingly, the links and snippets below may produce inaccurate results. If you encounter an issue with code examples below, please use the feedback form on this page to report the issue.

See Also