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CellElementData Properties

Contains the pivot grid’s cell data, location, and layout characteristics.
Name Description
Background Gets or sets the brush that is used to paint the field value cell or data area cell. Inherited from DataAreaElementData.
BorderThickness Gets or sets the outer indents of the field value cell or data area cell. Inherited from DataAreaElementData.
ColumnIndex Gets the index of the column.
ColumnTotalValue Gets information about the column total related to the current cell.
ColumnValue Gets information about the column field related to the current cell.
ColumnValueDisplayText Gets the text that is displayed in column field values.
DependencyObjectType Gets the DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. Inherited from DependencyObject.
Dispatcher Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with. Inherited from DispatcherObject.
DisplayText Gets the cell’s display text.
Field Gets the data field to which the cell belongs.
Foreground Gets or sets the brush that is used to paint the foreground of the field value cell or data area cell. Inherited from DataAreaElementData.
IsFocused Gets or sets a value that determines whether this element is focused.
IsSealed Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). Inherited from DependencyObject.
IsSelected Gets a value that indicates whether the field value or data area cell is selected. Inherited from DataAreaElementData.
IsTotalAppearance Gets whether the cell value is a total.
MaxIndex Gets the maximum column index that corresponds to the field value that is processed.
MaxLevel Gets the index of the last nested cell at the last column level.
MinIndex Gets the minimum column index that corresponds to the field value that is processed.
MinLevel Gets the index of the first nested cell at the last column level.
PivotGrid Gets the Pivot Grid control to which the cell belongs.
RowIndex Gets the index of the specified row.
RowValue Gets information about the row field value that corresponds to the current cell.
Value Gets the value of the cell.
See Also