All-Day Area
- 3 minutes to read
The All-Day area contains appointments that last a whole day or more (the SchedulerItemBase.Duration property exceeds 24 hours).
Appointments displayed in the All-Day area are not limited to those whose Scheduler
The All-Day area is shown in the Day View, Work-Week View, and Week View. To hide the All-Day area and display all-day appointments in time cells, set the view’s ShowAllDayArea property to false.
When the user drops an appointment to the All-Day area, its SchedulerItemBase.AllDay property is set to true. When the user drags the appointment back to the time cells area, its initial SchedulerItemBase.Duration value is not restored and instead set to fill a time cell.
Use the DayViewBase.ShowAllDayArea to hide the All-Day area.
The following properties affect the appearance of the All-Day area.
Property | Description |
Gets or sets the data template used to display the content of all-day appointments. | |
Gets or sets the data template used to display the content of all-day appointments. | |
Gets or sets the data template used to display the content of all-day area cells | |
Gets or sets the format of the string displayed in appointments in the All-Day area that indicate the interval of an appointment. | |
Get or set the format of the string displayed in appointments in the All-Day area that do not fit in the view area. | |
Gets or sets the height of All-Day appointments. | |
Gets or sets the style of All-Day appointments. | |
Gets or sets the minimum height of the All-Day Area. | |
Gets or sets the style of All-Day area cells. | |
Gets or sets the height of a separator bar between the All-Day area and the main view area. | |
Gets or sets the format of the string that indicates the appointment’s interval and is displayed in appointments in the All-Day area . | |
Gets or sets whether to display descriptions within appointments in the All-Day area. | |
Gets or sets whether to display the start and end date and time within appointments in the All-Day area. | |
Gets or sets whether to display the location within appointments in the All-Day area. | |
Gets or sets whether to display icons that indicate recurring appointments in the All-Day area. | |
Gets or sets whether to display icons that indicate reminders for appointments in the All-Day area. | |
Gets or sets whether to display the status bar within appointments in the All-Day area. |