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Interactive Editing

  • 3 minutes to read

The Gantt area supports interactive data editing. You can drag and resize tasks to change start dates and durations, modify progress, and attach or detach connectors to define predecessor links.

You can individually enable or disable the following interactive editing options:

Option Description
GanttView.AllowTaskMove Specifies whether end users can change a task start date by dragging the task left or right along the timeline
GanttView.AllowTaskFinishDateMove Specifies whether end users can resize a task to change its end date
GanttView.AllowTaskProgressMove Specifies whether end users can drag the right edge of the progress bar to change the task’s progress
GanttView.AllowEditConnectors Specifies whether end users can:
- drag the new connectors from the thumbs displayed to the left and right from a focused predecessor task
- drag an existing connector from one successor to another, that is, edit the connector
- drag an existing connector outside the control, that is, remove the connector
GanttView.AllowSummaryTaskProgressMove Specifies whether end users can change the progress of a summary task by dragging the right edge of the progress bar
GanttView.AllowSummaryTaskFinishDateMove Specifies whether end users can change a summary task end date by resizing the task
GanttView.AllowDrawNewTask Specifies whether end users can add new tasks by drawing the new tasks in the Gantt area’s new item row.

#Edit Actions for an Individual Column

Raise the QueryAllowedTaskEditAction event and specify the event argument properties to manage edit actions for each column individually.

#Add New Item

When the GanttView.NewItemRowPosition property is set to Bottom,and the GanttView.AllowDrawNewTask property is set to true, end users can draw new tasks without the need to enter start and end dates.

Gantt add new row animation

When an end user starts drawing a new task, the BeginNewTaskDraw event fires.

End users can create new connectors when the GanttView.AllowEditConnectors property is set to true.

The GanttView.AddingNewPredecessorLink event occurs when a new connector is about to be created. Use the event argument’s AddingNewPredecessorLinkEventArgs.NewPredecessorLink property to change the newly created predecessor link (connector).

#Reorder Tasks

Set the DataViewBase.AllowDragDrop property to true to allow end users to reorder tasks and move tasks to other parent (summary) tasks.

#Customize Tooltip Content

Use the following properties to customize the content of tooltips displayed during interactive editing.

Property Description
GanttView.DrawNewTaskToolTipContentTemplate Specifies a data template used to render the content of a tooltip displayed while an end user creates a new task in the Gantt area.
GanttView.MilestoneMoveToolTipContentTemplate Specifies a data template used to render the content of a tooltip displayed while an end user moves a milestone in the Gantt area.
GanttView.TaskFinishDateMoveToolTipContentTemplate Specifies a data template used to render the content of a tooltip displayed while an end user edits a task’s finish date in the Gantt area.
GanttView.TaskMoveToolTipContentTemplate Specifies a data template used to render the content of a tooltip displayed while an end user edits a task’s start date in the Gantt area.
GanttView.TaskProgressMoveToolTipContentTemplate Specifies a data template used to render the content of a tooltip displayed while an end user edits a task’s progress in the Gantt area.