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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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Tooltip and Crosshair Cursor

The Tooltip and Crosshair Cursor allow end-users to interact with the chart and obtain detailed information about data points.



The Chart Control uses the Crosshair Cursor when its diagram type is Cartesian (XY) and the Tooltip for all other 2D diagrams. 3D diagrams do not support Tooltips and the Crosshair Cursor.

The Tooltip and Crosshair Cursor provide similar functionality, but they have the following differences:

Crosshair Cursor


Supported Diagrams

The Crosshair Cursor is designed for the Cartesian (XY-) diagram only.

All diagram types.

Displayed Values

The Crosshair Cursor displays all the points that have the same argument or value.


The Chart Control shows a tooltip when you hover the mouse pointer over a series point.


Customization Options

  • Crosshair Label position
  • Crosshair Label header text
  • Crosshair Label item text
  • Crosshair Argument and Value Lines
  • Crosshair Argument and Value Line Labels
  • Tooltip Position
  • Tooltip Beak Visibility
  • Tooltip Text
See Also