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TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormulaController Members

The base class for all classes that implement formula expression controllers in DevExpress products.


Name Description
Create(Boolean) Creates a TcxObjectList class instance. Inherited from TcxObjectList.


Name Description
ArrayFormulas protected Provides access to the list of parsed formula expressions that return array results.
CalculationInProcess Identifies if the formula controller is currently performing a calculation.
Capacity Inherited from TList.
CircularReferencePaths Provides access to the circular reference paths stored by a spreadsheet control’s formula controller.
CircularReferencePathsAsString Returns the list of all circular reference paths in a spreadsheet.
Count Inherited from TList.
FormatSettings Provides access to the format settings used to parse formula expressions.
Items Provides indexed access to the formula expressions managed by this controller.
List Inherited from TList.
OwnObjects Indicates whether the list manages instances of its stored items. Inherited from TcxObjectList.


Name Description
Add(Pointer) Inherited from TList.
Assign(TList,TListAssignOp,TList) Inherited from TList.
Calculate Calculates all formula expressions managed by the current formula controller.
Clear Clears the list. Inherited from TcxObjectList.
Delete(Integer) Inherited from TList.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
Error(PResStringRec,NativeInt) Inherited from TList.
Error(String,NativeInt) Inherited from TList.
Exchange(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TList.
Expand Inherited from TList.
Extract(Pointer) Inherited from TList.
ExtractItem(Pointer,TDirection) Inherited from TList.
First Inherited from TList.
FreeAndDelete(Integer) Destroys a stored item by its index in the list. Inherited from TcxObjectList.
FreeAndRemove(TObject) Removes the specified item from the list and destroys it. Inherited from TcxObjectList.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
IndexOf(Pointer) Inherited from TList.
IndexOfItem(Pointer,TDirection) Inherited from TList.
Insert(Integer,Pointer) Inherited from TList.
Last Inherited from TList.
Move(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TList.
Pack Inherited from TList.
Remove(Pointer) Inherited from TList.
RemoveItem(Pointer,TDirection) Inherited from TList.
Sort(TListSortCompare) Inherited from TList.
SortList(TListSortCompareFunc) Inherited from TList.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also